I would first of all like to say shame on your for discrediting an outstanding writer for Mustang Daily. I enjoy Sarah’s articles every week, and when I made the mistake of reading yours, I had to find out the truth for myself behind the calorie scandal.
I failed to find your Web page labeling the calorie count for long island iced teas. Wherever you got that magic number of 226, it cannot be accurate. Notice Sarah’s 8-ounce size for her calorie count, which is a full-size cocktail. Your “number” was probably from some 4-ounce uncredible source. Considering the high calorie count for alcohol and the fact that long island iced teas are pretty much syrup, I didn’t doubt Sarah’s number. I found Sarah’s source, Webmd. Here is the link if your are interested: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/low-calorie-cocktails?page=4.
So get the facts straight before you attempt to discredit others.
Rudolph Zacher
Biomedical engineering graduate student