Thursday evenings spent downtown are the essence of summer, but while Farmers’ Market buzzes on Higuera, another local treasure is drawing crowds. The San Luis Obispo County Band is currently presenting its Thursday evening free concert series at Mitchell Park, open to anyone who enjoys a great twilight concert on the grass.
The band has its origins with the SLO Military Band, which was founded in 1874 when the Civil War brought about more interest in band music. Since then, SLO County Band has spent over 130 years entertaining and supporting its community through playing at special events and fundraisers. This year it will celebrate its 133rd anniversary.
“For our summer series, we hope that folks will come out to listen to us and enjoy themselves,” said Cal Poly Professor and band member Bob Grosse. Grosse has been in the band since 1979 and plays several instruments.
If you attend this concert series, don’t expect a program full of traditional, patriotic ballads. One week there was a Beatles medley. “The music we play is typical for a community band,” said Grosse. “I would call it ‘toe-tapping’ and ‘lively’ music – dancing is certainly encouraged.”
Last year SLO County Band appeared at events such as the 9/11 Memorial, the Fourth of July Celebration in San Luis Obispo and numerous Farmers’ Markets, including SLO City’s 150th Anniversary Celebration. Some of their concerts help to raise funds for programs such as the Homeless Shelter of San Luis Obispo.
“The band is just trying to get out there and have a regular presence where the community can come and hear us,” Band President and member Patti Dolengewitz said.
Now in their second year of performing a summer twilight series, the band is hoping to draw even bigger audiences than last year.
“Last summer we attracted about 100 people each week and hope to meet or exceed that this year,” Grosse said. They are stationed in the new bandstand in the park, and attendees are encouraged to bring a blanket and lawn chair to prepare for chilly nights.
“We are always looking for anyone who might like to play,” Dolengewitz said.
Members range from junior high students to retired seniors, and anyone is invited to join by attending Thursday night rehearsals, 7 to 9 p.m. in the music room at San Luis Obispo High School, or Mitchell Park during the summer concert series. Interested musicians need to bring their own instrument, but music is provided. For more information on joining the band, visit its Web site at www.slocountyband.org.
The programs begin at 7 p.m. and continue until dark on tonight and Thursday, Aug. 9. The park can be found at the corner of Santa Rosa and Pismo, walking distance from Farmers’ Market. Grab your tri-tip sandwich and a blanket and head down to Mitchell Park for an evening of talented musicians who play until the sun goes down.