San Luis Obispo, like any city, has the right to enforce its own city ordinances. It is important to be aware of the unique laws that community members must abide by and what local police, both the San Luis Police Department (SLOPD) and the University Police Department (UPD), must implement.
Going face-to-face with the law can be detrimental to academics, bank accounts and future endeavors. New and returning students should be acquainted with local laws before beginning the new academic year so that an unfortunate encounter with the “five-0” can be delayed or avoided completely.
Every law is aimed at keeping the San Luis Obispo community safe and reducing the number of disturbances around town. Some city ordinances are geared mainly towards homeowners and renters, but everyone should be aware of them.
Go out responsibly and keep the following laws in mind when around town.
Unruly Gathering
What is it?
- A gathering of 20 people or more on private property that is experiencing any one of the following:
- noisiness
- drunkenness
- serving of alcohol to minors
- urinating in public
- overcrowding
- unlawful possession of drugs or alcohol
- presence of juveniles, meaning persons under 18
- presence of minors, meaning persons between the ages of 18 and 20
Fines and consequences
- First offense: $700
- Second offense (within a 12-month period): $1,000
- Landowners are notified
- Landowners may be fined $500 for allowing repeat offenses
Noise violation
What is it?
It is different from an unruly gathering — you can get cited for both in one night if a party grows into an unruly gathering after receiving a noise violation.
- Loud noise can be heard farther than 50 feet away from the property between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. or across the property line between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Fines and consequences
- First citation: $350
- Second citation (within a 12-month period): $700
- Third citation (within a 12-month period): $1,000
- Residence is put on Disturbance Advisement Card (DAC) for 9-months — this alerts police that there is no courtesy warning because of repeat offenses
- Landowners are notified
- Student Neighborhood Assistance Program (SNAP) employees may, but are not required, to alert first time offenders
Social Host ordinance
What is it?
- A person hosting a gathering has:
- three people under the age of 21
- alcohol present
- at least one minor who has consumed or possess alcohol
Fines and consequences
- Host is guilty of a misdemeanor
- Minor is cited for alcohol possession
- First citation: $350
- Second citation (during a 12-month period): $700
- Third violation (during a 12-month period): $1,000
Smoking restrictions
First of all, San Luis Obispo already takes pride in being the first city in the world to ban smoking from all indoor places open to the public in June 1990
What is it?
Smoking is outlawed in indoor and outdoor areas frequented by the public that include:
- places of employment
- sidewalks
- parking garages and lots
- bars and restaurants
- stores
- stadiums
- playgrounds and parks
- recreation areas
- transit centers
- Mission Plaza
- the downtown creek
- within 20 feet of indoor areas
Exceptions include:
- private residences
- designated hotel rooms
- existing tobacco retailers
- outdoor areas where nonsmokers will not be present
- Bars that do not serve food can designate a smoking area that must be five feet away from any doorway
Other infractions to be aware of:
- driving under the influence (DUI/DWI)
- possession of an open container or marijuana in a moving vehicle
- minor in possession (MIP)
- public intoxication
- furnishing alcohol to minors
- possession of fake identification
- public urination or defecation
- biking under the influence (BUI)
Ways to avoid any of these laws:
- closely monitor guest attendance
- keep guests indoors
- play music at low levels
- leave alcohol containers and cups inside
- practice the “buddy system”
- keep clothing and shoes on throughout the night
- leave bathroom etiquette indoors
How to report crimes
The UPD can be reached anytime at (805) 756-2281. The SLOPD can be reached anytime, for any non-emergency, at (805) 781-7317.
Crimes can be anonymously reported to UPD via cellphone sent by text or e-mail to calpoly@tipnow.org.