On March 13, the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival will debut eight original films written, directed and produced by Cal Poly students.
This is the 25th year of the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival. Student films will screen on March 13 at 8 p.m. in Fremont Theater, and student admission is free. The festival involves six total days of film screenings at various theaters in San Luis Obispo.
Groups of students worked to create these short films called Short Cuts for Media Arts and Technologies: Cinematic Process (ISLA 341) and Digital Video II (ART 483). According to the Short Cuts website, the films convey stories of self-discovery, family and the importance of human connection.
Art and design junior Mary MacLane is one of four students bringing the student-written script of Clean Slate to the screen. She said the short film is a coming of age story about an 18 year-old college freshman.
“It’s pretty hilarious,” MacLane said. “I think a lot of Cal Poly students, or anyone who has gone to college before, will be able to relate.”
MacLane’s team has filmed more than half of the 10 minute film so far. Her primary role is photographer, but she said she also collaborates with other positions, like screenwriter.
“We all have different strengths,” she said. “I think it’s going to reflect in our film that this group works well together.”
Other student films debuting include “Slippers,” “Cut Short” and “Clinched.”
“We have that motivation that it’s going to be seen by a large amount of people at a renowned international film festival,” MacLane said. “It’s a great thing to have on our resumes and an opportunity that not a lot of student filmmakers have while they’re still in school.”
Although admission is free for students, tickets are $15 for general admission and $5 for Film Society members. To see the full schedule and buy tickets for the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival, visit its website.