The following is a list of the crimes that occurred on campus and in San Luis Obispo over the past weekend, compiled from the University Police Department and San Luis Obispo Police Department’s daily logs:
Thursday, Oct. 25
7:38 a.m. There was an alcohol offense at 1243 Monterey St.
8:52 a.m. There was theft at 3440 Sacramento Drive.
9:16 a.m. A theft occurred in the backyard of 1019 Leff St.
9:19 a.m. An alcohol offense occurred at the Rite Aid on 765 Foothill Blvd.
9:53 a.m. There was an assault at Smart and Final located at 227 Higuera St.
10:20 a.m. There was an alcohol offense at Chipotle.
1:12 p.m. There was a theft at 546 Higuera St.
1:32 p.m. A theft occurred at the Rite Aid located on 765 Foothill Blvd.
3:07 p.m. A traffic accident involving two vehicles occurred at 1598 Broad St.
3:50 p.m. A male shoplifter entered the Von’s located on 3900 Broad St.
3:23 p.m. An alcohol offense occurred at the car wash located on 393 Marsh St.
5:12 p.m. A noise violation was reported at 3350 Bullock Lane.
5:17 p.m. A juvenile, male shoplifter was at the site of 295 Higuera St.
5:40 p.m. There was an alcohol offense at 989 Chorro St.: A man was found laying down in the women’s bathroom located at Mission Plaza, and was said to be snoring.
Friday, Oct. 26
1:07 a.m. Loud music was reported at Creeky Tiki Bar, located on 782 Higuera St.
1:27 a.m. A sexual offense was reported at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house, but found to be false.
8:50 a.m. An alcohol offense occurred at Morro and Mill streets.
9:24 a.m. An alcohol offense occurred involving a man stumbling at the corner of Broad and Murray streets.
10:39 a.m. A traffic accident involving a bicycle and pedestrian happened at the entrance of Mustang Village, on Foothill Blvd. and Casa St.
10:53 a.m. Someone was trespassing at the Rite Aid located on 765 Foothill Blvd.
11:06 a.m. There was vandalism at 962 Mill St. It was reported that a brick was thrown through the front door.
11:06 a.m. A pedestrian was involved in a traffic accident at 765 Foothill Blvd.
11:50 a.m. There was theft at the Anderson Apartments located on 955 Monterey St.
11:58 a.m. A male was confrontational with an employee at Starbucks, located on 253 Madonna Blvd.
12:57 p.m. A bicycle was stolen from outside the Apple Store located on 899 Higuera St.
1:48 p.m. A theft occurred outside of Costco, located on 1540 Froom Ranch Way.
2:42 p.m. A theft from a motor vehicle occurred outside of CVS on 1300 Madonna Road.
6:32 p.m. A hit and run was reported at Higuera and Chorro streets.
6:51 p.m. A driving under the influence (DUI) was issued at 145 South St. after a female hit the reporting party’s vehicle.
8:06 p.m. Someone was trespassing at 1234 Monterey St.
9:17 p.m. An alcohol offense occurred at 1288 Foothill Blvd. and Carpenter St.
9:47 p.m. An alcohol offense happened at 1185 Foothill Blvd.
9:53 p.m. An alcohol offense occurred at 1172 Murray St.
10:06 p.m. An alcohol offense occurred at 258 California Blvd.
10:07 p.m. There was noise violation at 960 Olive St.
10:12 p.m. An alcohol offense occurred at 1050 Foothill Blvd.
10:18 p.m. There was a noise violation at 226 Tassajara Drive.
10:22 p.m There was a loud party at 670 Foothill Blvd.
10:31 p.m. There was a loud party at 110 Orange St.
Saturday, Oct. 27
1:19 a.m. There was an alcohol offense at 741 Higuera St.
1:19 a.m. There was a theft at Enzo’s East Coast Eatery, located on 733 Higuera St. The suspect tried to steal pizzas.
1:24 a.m. There was a DUI at Broad and Pacific streets.
1:29 a.m. There was an alcohol offense at 1288 Foothill Blvd.
1:43 a.m. A missing person was reported at 441 Luneta Drive.
7:21 a.m. There was an alcohol offense on Islay St. There were three to four males and one was reported to be throwing up.
1:01 p.m. There was a burglary at 7-11 located on 1301 Monterey St. It was reported that beer was stolen.
3:04 p.m. A theft occurred at Bath and Body Works located on 842 Higuera St.
7:27 p.m. Loud music was coming from an apartment complex located on 3075 Higuera St.
10:31 p.m. There was loud music and noise at 1223 George St.
10:42 p.m. There was an alcohol offense at Foothill and California boulevards.
11:16 p.m. There was an alcohol offense at Hathway Ave. and Carpenter St.
11:24 p.m. A loud party was reported at 1703 Santa Barbara St.
11:24 p.m. An alcohol offense happened at 168 Stenner St.
11:56 p.m. There was a DUI at Duncan Lane and Orcutt Road.
Sunday, Oct. 28
1:02 a.m. There was a reported DUI at Higuera and Marsh streets.
1:07 a.m. There was an alcohol offense on Hathway Ave. and Carpenter St.
1:38 a.m. A person was found unconscious at 331 Hathway Ave.
1:39 a.m. There was a loud party that occurred at 265 Kentucky St.
1:48 a.m. There was a DUI at Walnut and Santa Rosa streets.
2:16 a.m. There was loud music at 723 Grand Ave.
2:31 a.m. An alcohol offense occurred at Monterey and Pepper streets.
2:34 a.m. There was an assault at 112 Mustang Drive. A female reported that her boyfriend hit her, according to the report.
3:54 a.m. A naked male was yelling at passerbys, on North Chorro St. and Boysen Ave.
4:00 p.m. A hit and run occurred at 362 Tassajara Drive and Felton Way.
3:49 p.m. At 1928 Chorro St. a laptop and computer monitor were taken from an unlocked residence.
5:40 p.m. Vandalism was reported at 1290 Murray St.