It may be easy to get wrapped up in finishing schoolwork before Thanksgiving Break, but Cal Poly can’t forget that there are many people who probably won’t get the chance to enjoy a steaming turkey dinner this holiday season.
See the Need Week is the university’s way of helping the hungry and homeless in San Luis Obispo at a time when aid is sorely needed.
The week-long event is put on by Beyond Shelter, a group within Cal Poly’s Student Community Services (SCS) that helps local homeless aid organizations.
Jessica Sun, Megan Mastache and Megan Hitchcock are the Beyond Shelter directors responsible for coordinating the events.
“In America, one in 10 are underfed, though one in 10 are homeless,” Special Events Service Coordinator Leah Meeks said.
She emphasized that there is a difference between the homeless and the hungry and that SCS wanted to host a separate week from other special service weeks this month.
“(See the Need Week) is Cal Poly’s response to National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week,” SCS Director Coordinator Jared Gamm said.
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is Nov. 11 through Nov. 17. Last week was also National Service Week for Alpha Phi Omega.
A group of volunteers handed out flyers Monday in front of Campus Market with a list of needed items incoming customers could purchase at the store or donate from their own cupboards.
A bin will remain all week for people to leave donations, which will go to the San Luis Obispo Food Bank, the San Luis Obispo Women’s Shelter and the Prado Day Center.
A Hunger Dinner Banquet will be held at the Performing Arts Center Pavilion tonight from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., where political science professor Bud Evans will give a Powerpoint presentation.
Tickets are $5 and available at the SCS office in University Union room 217. Proceeds will go to a global hunger aid organization.
“It’s an interactive dinner presentation that aims to increase people’s knowledge of global hunger,” Gamm said.
“Even the poorest (in America) are relatively wealthy compared to others.”
On Thursday during UU hour, bowls of rice will be given out for any donation from SCS booths. The bowls are to represent a normal meal for many people.
SCS will serve breakfast at the Prado Day Center from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Friday. The meal will include hash browns, bacon and other items that are “better than what they normally get” at the shelter, Gamm said.
This weekend, SCS will execute a citywide food drive, which started last weekend.
Volunteers will stand in front of six different grocery stores in San Luis Obispo and pass out flyers with items customers can donate.
“It worked well (last) weekend and we look forward to more volunteers,” Gamm said.
People can still sign up to volunteer by contacting Beyond Shelter at