The Day After — News

Semester update: How close are the Cal States to converting?

Cal Poly’s ASI voted against the switch in December, but California State University Chancellor Timothy White has said he is a strong supporter of the conversion.

What came first, the chicken or the black hole?

Do galaxies form around black holes? Or are black holes born into existing galaxies?

Epperson eyes road ahead to raise College of Liberal Arts tuition

Epperson and other proponents will have to work to gain student support to get the proposal passed within the next three months.

Getting the grade: Cal Poly’s sexual health

Trojan has released an annual Sexual Health Report Card for the last eight years. Schools are graded across 11 categories, including health center hours of operation, contraceptive and condom availability, website usability and sexual health education programs and organizations.

From afar, Cal Poly Filipinos feel typhoon’s effects

Cultural clubs on campus have been teaming up together to raise awareness and funds for this disaster. PCE club president Calvin Choy and co-coordinator Serena Brown have set up a webpage that allows people to donate online.

Food stamps slashed, local recipients struggling

A tri-tip sandwich and small soda from Firestone Grill costs $11 — and judging by the restaurant’s popularity among students, most people on campus have no problem spending that amount on a delicious meal. But many living in San Luis Obispo County cannot afford to part with that sum so casually.

The student’s guide to LGBT lingo

With trends constantly changing, LGBT has become an outdated acronym, and it can be difficult to keep up-to-date on the terms used.

From the dorms: What’s the word on drug-sniffing dogs?

Cal Poly police have worked with University Housing to bring drug-sniffing dogs into the hallways outside students’ rooms, and they are planning to increase the dogs’ usage this year.

Cal Poly to reexamine electrical systems after dorm fire displaces 3

Rademacher said he “was pretty lucky” in terms of what he lost. Right now, he knows that his bed, mattress, pillows and a pair of jeans have been damaged, but he isn’t sure what the dollar total for those will be.