Small resolutions help save the world

Welcome to 2009. Now make one resolution. Make one simple decision, about one thing in your life that you can change to reduce your impact on the planet. Make it something achievable. Make it something that’s important to you.

Statisticians have estimated that only 29 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions these days, and only two out of 10 of them actually follow through with their goals.

2008 was a year of bailouts, 2009 is a year of hope

This year has been one of government bailouts and it’s also been the year of economic uncertainty – both on the larger scale of the market, and on the more personal scale of lost jobs and cutbacks. Our government gave the banking industry a check for $700 billion, an astronomical figure, and the kind of money that we simply do not have to lend out.

Can't "prove" science, but try defying gravity

In reference to Ian Nachreiner’s comment, “.. global warming, an unproven theory.” in Thursday’s article “Conservatism: The Ideology of Individual Responsibility” I would like to point out that nothing in science is ever proven. A scientific theory is a proposed hypothesis, falsifiable by observation or experiment, which has repeatedly withstood unbiased attempts at falsification.

Conservatives support bailouts; who's supporting responsibility now?

Every now and then, I will read something in the Mustang Daily that is so ridiculous and illogical that I will feel prompted to write a response. Thank you Ian Nachreiner, for supplying me with just such a column. Your piece, “Conservatism: the ideology of individual responsibility,” was so full of holes and misguided information that if it was a business venture, it would surely go bankrupt.

Why I can't be a Democrat

The fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is why I can’t be a Democrat. Heck, I can hardly stand being a Republican. There is a difference between selfishness and self-interest. Both liberalism and conservatism decry selfishness, but liberalism often attacks self-interest as well.

Formula for a college dating column

Detailed description setting the scene for a male-female romantic or sexual interaction, ending in failure to obtain an assumed goal on the part of one or both parties. Rhetorical question as an attempt to force the reader to relate to the previously described situation (“Has this ever happened to you?”).

Do you wear sunglasses at night?

While looking towards my rapidly approaching graduation date (I will complete degree number three from Cal Poly in June), it came to me that I really have learned so much while attending classes here.

And yet, the most valuable knowledge did not come from a textbook or even a PowerPoint presentation.

Economic distress is opportune time to bridge political divide

What is politics? Is it about colors – blue, red, purple? Is it about giving money to the poor or giving money to the rich? Is it about abortion? Gay rights? Is it about making your voice heard every four years? Is it about the great political divide? Or debate?

Our generation has seen ideology dominate political thought.

Conservatism: the ideology of individual responsibility

I read the papers and Web sites. I listen to the radio programs and watch the TV commentators. And I am disappointed and shocked at the state of complacently in this nation.

I have in recent years been desensitized to this stupidity, because it kept happening.

Muslim Student Associations condemn attacks on Mumbai

Over this year’s Thanksgiving holiday many American families, including Muslim Americans, came together from across country to celebrate the many blessings we have in our lives. We in the United States were delighting in the company of dear relatives, in the bounty of our traditional holiday feast, and also appreciating the rights and freedoms we are guaranteed as Americans.

Like countries before it, India's dreams live on

I’ve yet to visit Mumbai, but I’ve heard it’s an inebriating, glistening city of street vendors and flashy cars, a colorful metropolis where saris and business suits rub shoulders and where Indians and foreigners alike come to have their fortunes told and made.