I don’t have one particular religion. I can’t say I’m Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Muslim. You could say I have experimented with the idea of belief; I’ve tried several delicacies from the smorgasbord of religions. But I guess if I had a gun to my head, I would have to worship the retail god of materialism.
Hope is not an empty message
In regard to Ian Nachreiner’s column on January 22: You speak from the most uneducated platform, and I don’t mean as an agriculture major, but as a close-minded individual who cannot swallow his pride to hope for a better tomorrow.
“I am referring to latching on to an empty message of hope” you state in regard to Obama and his presidency.
It’s ‘tool’ time with Marci word of the week woman Palla
In general, a tool is something one uses or manipulates. For this article, we will explore the people one uses or manipulates, specifically the male variety.
These tools are most commonly used by douchebags. In fact, while douchebags often run in packs with other douchebags, they usually employ a tool as their best friend.
Hope deserves to be believed
It was very disappointing to read the cynical staff editorial on Jan. 20, “Today we inaugurate a man, not a God.” We can agree that we should not expect miracles and any instant results. However, it is sad to see the editorial denigrating the credible message of hope and optimism from the incoming president and his cabinet populated with smart appointees.
Alcohol use portrayed as dangerous and fun
The first article I read in Thursday’s paper told the tragic story of Carson Starkey’s death, attributed to alcohol poisoning. I believe it is very important that stories such as Carson’s be well distributed so that others may avoid his fate. For that I was glad to see this article featured on the front page.
Can’t deny America needs fixing
Am I the only one who will miss the weekly laugh from reading Ian Nachreiner’s political column? Every week I read his column and couldn’t help but laugh at his truth, justice and conservative ways. Last week Ian stated that Bush’s policies and decisions have kept America safe for the last eight years.
Arabs and Jews are both semitic, people but Palestine is still anti-Semitic
In response to George’s letter to the editor appearing on Jan. 22: Arabs are indeed a part of the Semitic people group. However, anti-Semitic is defined in the dictionary as hatred towards Jews. Not because Jews are the only Semites, but because the word originated in Germany in the late 1800s in order to give Jew-hating a more scientific name.
Will it still be change we can believe in four years from now?
On Tuesday, history was made as our nation swore Barack Obama into office. I am proud of this moment in history. I am glad our country has moved forward to a point where he has been elected and is serving as our president. However, we must remember he’s just a man, and caution ourselves about tying a social movement to the policies of one man.
So long Bush administration, and thanks for all the fish
January 20, 2009 will be a day dearly remembered by Americans and the world for more reasons than the intensity of swearing in the first black president of the United States.
It will be remembered for more than a re-lighting of the lamps of freedom and justice behind the doors of the Oval Office.
Social security: More fraudulent than Madoff
Every so often, a rascal comes along so scandalous and deviant that history weaves his name with the deeds he committed. Reaching such infamy requires a lot of hard work, and not just your average sod can do it. Many a fallen creature has competed for the title, but the title can only belong to one who truly earns it.
What would Chelsea do?
Me, age 12, speaking sternly to my best friend Carly: “Have you accepted Jesus into your heart?” Carly, now sporting a semi-confused expression instead of her usual jovial face: “Umm, no I don’t think so.” Me, extremely pretentiously: “Well you need to, or else you’re going to hell.