For all the national talk of what the federal government shutdown is doing in Washington, D.C., it can be easy to overlook the effect it’s having at Cal Poly. But it’s already taking a toll.
I don’t want to talk about the shutdown
But I don’t wanna talk about the shutdownnnnn.
This past summer, I worked at a camp; it wasn’t any specific type of camp, it was just summer camp.
Open the government, then control it
For the seventeenth time since 1977, the United States federal government is experiencing a partial shutdown. But it isn’t the first time Republicans and Democrats are at odds to decide who is at fault.
What if ‘The Purge’ was real?
“The Purge,” a movie that came out in the summer of 2013, is not a good movie. But my editor tells me I’m supposed to be writing something political, so a movie review isn’t exactly in the forecast.
Defer greek rush until winter quarter
Ending deferred recruitment for fraternities at Cal Poly this fall was a win for gender equality — but that doesn’t mean it was the right decision.
Expedited legal immigration must become priority now
For the last four summers, I worked at a teller station in a bank tucked away in a small valley of northwest Washington. Late every Friday came the rush of farm workers scrambling in to cash their paychecks after a series of 11-hour work days.
Mustang Daily evolves with the times
We’re producing two print publications each week and one traditional news broadcast, but the crux of our operation is moving online — a platform we can update dozens, hundreds of times a week.
Editor-in-chief introduces the new Mustang Daily
WOW, that went fast. One day I’m lugging my suitcases up the hill to the Cerro Vista Apartments and the next I’m about to be ushered out of San Luis Obispo with one final toss of a black cap. Though I have nine months left on this campus, I’d trade places with you — yes you, dear WOWies — in a heartbeat.
Thank you, Poly
I deal with words.
I edit them, read them, write them and speak them. They’re involved in every daily activity I do, and they’re something I hope to one day build a profession around. But when I think back on this year at Mustang Daily, I can’t describe it in words.
Meaningful political discourse comes from full range of opinions
Sometimes I sit in front of my computer and stare at my blinking cursor, hoping the dim glow and ominous blank page will provide some sort of divine inspiration for my articles. Believe it or not, the most difficult part of writing the liberal column is doing justice to the liberal perspective, while at the same time not falling prey to the pitfalls that accompany such a position. And there are many.
Political correctness creates wounded society
All hell broke loose last Tuesday. Adam Levine, a.k.a. the only famous member of Maroon 5, was caught muttering the words “I hate this country” on television’s “The Voice.”