Will engineers ever get game?

So after all is said and done concerning Jessica’s letter, does this mean that engineers will still not be meeting women? Zachary Jirkovsky Mechanical engineering senior

Walrus comparison is unjust

I am appalled and flabbergasted that the Daily ran James Glen’s cartoon that compared girls who wear huge sunglasses to walruses. The walrus is a gentle and majestic creature that has many valuable uses (tu$ks anyone?) Everyone knows that girls…

Stupid people will stop the terrorists

Erik Dawley, how can you be so ignorant? Your argument that aliens abducting stupid people keeps our nation strong against terrorists is horrible. What we as a nation need to do is make our stupid people the most visible to…

Stop the yelling and try peace for a change

I find it interesting to see how people react to confrontation. On Monday in the UU, several individuals decided to voice their strong religious morals to everyone who walked by. From a personal point of view, not everything said was…

Are you a terrorist?

Jack Ingram Nov. 6, 2005 – When I applied for this position as a columnist, I did so with the intention of “popping” something. No, not your cherry, but your bubble – our bubble – created by the collective advantages…

Mustang Daily is a public forum

The time for a student movement to protect the First Amendment is now. A fight to preserve student press rights awaits many college newspapers, and the repercussions of a recent court case could reach much further than simply the press.…

Why are we fighting?

Yesterday, a friend of mine who is a physics major told me about a paper he read. This paper put forward the idea that stars don’t exert a gravitational force, but instead exert a repulsive force, and that this is…

Baker's salary makes sense

For all of you who read Monday’s Halloween Daily posting President Baker’s salary, there is a reason he is the highest paid president in the CSU system. First, realize that President Baker’s job is not university administration, but rather the…

Vote yes on Proposition 73

I challenge each of you to throw your ideological loyalties to the side and closely evaluate what this proposition means to your current and future families. Whether you are the most liberal student or a self-proclaimed libertarian, Proposition 73 may…

The truth about teachers

I hope everyone votes next week, and as you might expect, I have some views to share. Teachers are not “guaranteed jobs for life.” My wife works at the elementary level on an annual contract. Her job performance is the…

Welcome to No Shave November

Have you noticed the change around campus? Burdens have been removed and joy has filled our souls as a result of throwing away our razors for the next 30 days. Do not be afraid! Your extra hair will protect you…