God isn't a Democrat or Republican

Tuesday’s political display on Dexter Lawn left me with mixed emotions. I certainly

America: the land of the dumb

Just as the quarter comes to an end and dead week approaches, it begins: the frenzied

Daniel Pipes not so controversial after all

A flier went up on facebook Monday, warning that a “libelous duplicitous racist

Hate speech found all over campus

Kayvan Chinichian’s letter to the editor Monday (“Hate speech is not protected”) alludes to posters about quotations from the Quran around campus as hate speech, and that hate speech is not protected, as it would not be protected if he were to go around and post Nazi posters defaming Jews.

March is a frustrating month for a man who knows nothing about sports

Now that it’s March, I’m getting ready to be bombarded with confusing language about Big

Is your facebook addiction properly fed? Part II

There are only a few things that college students really spend a lot of time doing.

Moral arguments differ from political ones

As an ardent advocate for civil liberties (and particularly of First Amendment rights

Smokers should keep their cigarettes out of public

Somehow Hayley Bramble is convinced, in her March 2 commentary (“Gives smokers a break”)

Nonsmokers die too

Bravo to the staff commentary Friday (“Give smokers a break”). I had no idea smoking was taboo here. I’m now inclined to pick it up again. In the indelible words of Bill Hicks, “Do you guys go up to crippled people dancing? You sick f–ks! I’d quit smoking if I wasn’t afraid of becoming one of you .

Taking cronyism to new heights

There is no question that the Bush administration has taken the concept of the corrupt, ineffective

What do we do about carbon dioxide?

What do we do about carbon dioxide? The problem: Global warming is happening