End of civil rights movement not yet in sight

The Jena Six issue took place in Louisiana, a southern state; black people there face a lot more issues with racism than minorities

You can't Tase me

Lee: Aw man, Sean, I’m having a terrible day. First I ran out of shampoo in the shower

ENGL 102 professor confronts letter-writers

In response to Miss Glasgow and company’s cantankerous ad hominem hurled at my ENGL 102

Save Thanksgiving

This letter is for everyone who will not graduate this academic school year. I have been informed that President Baker decreed

Shooting range ads?

What is the big deal about a shooting range ad? It should be clear by now from my previous letters that I’m pretty generally liberal,

It's just an ad, can we please move on?

I’m writing in response to the consistent criticism of an ad for a local shooting range. As a journalism student (and a senior at that)

Get a clue, Ms. Gilmore

First, thank you for exaggerating every statement you make, “another story being totally blown out of proportion.” According to

Get a clue, Jena Six supporters

These past few weeks we have witnessed yet another story being totally blown out of

The Bush Presidency: A Modern Shakespearian Tragedy

While I doubt that there will ever be a play called “The Tragedy of George W. Bush,” one

The Word on the Screen #6

In this episode: iPhone hackers get a surprise, Amazon.com offers DRM-free music and Gateway

How to eat well… on a student schedule

Dear PULSE, I am always on the run with school, work and an avid social life and I