You might have seen it on the curb. “No publication without representation” the chalk-scrawled writing read in front of the Mustang Daily newsstand at the intersection of Via Carta and South Poly View Drive. Another similar message was seen in the entrance to the University Union in front of a row of newsstands.
Four years, 180 units and not a clue
Like the majority of incoming freshmen at Cal Poly, I was only 17 when I chose my major. How the hell did I know what I wanted to do? Now, at 21, I find myself in the same, uncomfortable position I was in just a few years ago. I have grown up with the ideological mindset of “I can do anything I want to,” and “the future is bright.
Celebrating our college independence, one vote at a time
Ah, college. No parents, no curfews and no one to answer to but yourself – it truly is a time of independence. But with independence comes responsibility and one of the biggest responsibilities college students possess is the role they play in voting for their governmental representatives.
Poly to focus on global warming solutions
Today’s college students have an opportunity to shift the course of human history. As
Google signs up for network auction
Google has signed up for the January 2008 700 mhz auction and Blu-Ray wins the Black Friday battle against HD-DVD. Show notes: Joker pictures:
Dell products to be available in Best Buy
In this episode: Dell is entering the stores of its major competitor, Gibson presents the Robot Guitar and CompUSA finally rests in peace.
Government taxes a necessary evil
I know that the word “taxes” has a negative connotation, and I, like most other college
More stressful: finals or returning to family?
Lee: Hey Sean, where have you been all day? You look sicker than Old Yeller.
Sean: I wish I were Old Yeller. He had the sweet release of death. I started pacing this morning and I wound up in Los Osos. It’s just that I get so stressed out this time of the quarter.
Death, depression and dealing: How to survive a loss while in college
The despair of loss rains down upon me, drenching me in its icy-cold grip. The fog of
A little something
Ugh, what is that disgusting yet familiar smell? Oh I know, just the typical diarrhea you would expect a simple-minded liberal to spew. Erica, your article just reeked the putrid smell of liberal-socialist hate for the “all-powerful corporation.” I mean, come on.
Shh! Isn't this a library?
I’m gonna cut right to the chase. When you are in the library, SHUT THE HELL UP! You