Word on the Screen: Farewell, HD DVD

In this week’s episode: HD-DVD prepares to end its short-lived life and Joss Whedon is finally busy again.

All my pets are dead

Occasionally, when I want to take a break from my luxurious lifestyle of jetsetting to

Vote to make Cal Poly LEED-er

Yes, I know. We already cast our ballots on Feb. 5, but peel off that “I voted” sticker

Playing hooky for the presidency

Imagine you’ve landed a kickass job that pays six figures, commands power and respect and

I had a dream . whoops I mean nightmare

I had a nightmare that the America our founders created had been destroyed. The

Why is this hazard in the classroom?

In your Feb. 20 story on the front page, University Police Department Chief Bill

Tooth Fairy: Real or myth

You’re really gonna challenge me on this one? Listen, people. The Tooth Fairy is as real

Can you hear me now? The answer better be no

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would trade in their freedom for protection deserve neither.” That quote appropriately

Support Poly professors first

Happy National Engineers Week! This National Engineers Week, I hope that engineers here at Cal Poly take time to reflect upon what

Please get your facts straight

First of all, “Bringing Bias to Class” was written by a Mustang Daily

Read it and replace it

When I leave the dorms to go to dinner and most have gone home, there’s still big stacks of Mustang Dailies left over. I think many