Abortion display: What debate?

Abortion display: What debate?

The abortion display meant to provoke debate failed because it only showed one side. What I am expressing here is just another side that I think also needs to be said before reasonable opinions can be formed.

I see stories about abortions for “convenience,” but where are the stories about unwed teenage mothers dropping out of high school? We’re all human and we don’t always make the smartest decisions when hormones rage.

Check YOUR pulse

This article is in response to Sarah Bailey’s holy war against St. Patrick. Sarah in her article starts off by saying that St. Patrick’s Day may cause us to “feel the need to celebrate.” This is just untrue. It’s a religious duty to celebrate, not just a feeling.

Is it really about our feelings?

Arlo White’s guest column concerning abortion was absolutely correct in pointing out that many facts upon which our modern lifestyle depends are unavoidably unpleasant. The things we want and use do not appear out of nowhere, and there is a price to pay for what we get.

Display was manipulative, destructive propaganda

We acknowledge that the recent anti-choice display on Dexter Lawn is fully protected under campus policies for free expression. We do, however, take issue with numerous factual errors that made the display misleading, as well as its disrespectful approach.

CLA has bigger campus footprint than suggested

On behalf of the CLA, I am happy to report that the renovation of the CLA dean’s office is complete and the dean’s office staff is once more in 47-31. Several new spaces were created: an office for our special assistant to the dean for Student Success, Penny Bennett offices and workspace for our college advancement team, headed by Eileen Joseph and more.

SAFER's actions limited freedom of speech

I was deeply disturbed after reading the article “SAFER takes new maid service to the cleaners.” I’m a big fan of our Bill of Rights, especially the first amendment. It saddens me to see that SAFER has appointed themselves as the governing body of censorship here at Cal Poly.

Balanced budget Republicans?

Really? Are you seriously going to try to portray the Republicans as the balanced budget party? And your argument is that this budget deficit is the lowest it has been since halfway through this presidents’ term? I mean, come on, just admit it, if the Democrats are “tax and spend,” the Republicans are just “spend and spend us into the poor house.

Sell your product, not a gimmick

I was recently watching “Will & Grace,” dah, I mean, “Mythbusters,” dah, I mean, “World’s Most Extreme Videos” on the television the other day and managed to catch the latest commercial by The Pita Pit.

The advertisement is effective in that it utilizes the only form of humor that Americans know how to grasp: talking animals.

Just take out the trash

Living with your parents is one thing because they love you unconditionally, whether you leave your dishes in the sink or your clothes on the floor. However, when you move in with friends or total strangers, those bad habits must disappear.

Everyone has quirky things that they cannot live with or without.

Moving out into the real world

After living in on-campus residential halls for a year, living off campus may seem like a dream. No more residential adviser-enforced quiet hours. No more campus food. No more roommates who stay up until 4 a.m. playing Halo.

“You may think you’re on your own in the dorms since your parents aren’t around, but you aren’t really free until you move off campus,” mechanical engineering senior Ryan Boughey said.

The federal budget diet

Spring is rapidly approaching and with it swimsuit season. You know what that means: