Letters to the Editor

Promoting diversity has not resulted in tolerance of differences

As one who considers himself socially progressive and tolerant of differences, I find the message delivered by the crops house students to be incompatible with my personal beliefs (if it was not a joke).

Obama is reinventing the spirit of the New Deal

In my last column, I was particularly negative toward the Republican Party’s trickle-down economics tax policy. I have been asked to explain how increasing taxes on the wealthy and giving a tax rebate to those who are too poor to pay income tax is not socialism.

Washington doesn't have the right to bankroll Detroit

Looks like another crisis is ripe for the political harvest. Last month it was the banks that needed Uncle Sam. This time it’s Detroit automakers. A variety of arguments in favor of the bailout present themselves. They are endorsed by some of the loudest and most respected voices in Washington and the media, and, unsurprisingly, they receive a lot of airtime.

Letters to the editors

Diversity is more than ethnicity I think we can all agree that the incident at the crops house was unfortunate, but is anyone else getting tired of the suddenly overblown emphasis on diversity? Don’t get me wrong, I believe that skin color has absolutely no relation to a person’s individual value or qualifications to attend Cal Poly.

Climate futurism: four scenarios

Climate foresight is a valuable strategy, both for helping direct our efforts toward coping with climate change and for helping us fully grasp the seriousness of the crisis. Although we won’t know the future until it arrives, climate futurism takes an educated guess at what the planet and society might look like decades from now, and helps us anticipate the end results of our choices today.

Letters to the editor

We can’t just “move on” when discrimination still exists Cynthia Kona, do you realize the hypocrisy in your letter to the editor “Forgive each other and move on” on Nov. 12? I don’t even feel the need to get into my own liberal viewpoints on Prop 8 and the crops house incident; I just want to address the dysfunction and appalling “points” you made.

This election's 'hanging chad' is 'migrating ink'

As I finished casting my vote this last election day in San Luis Obispo County, I was surprised to see a number of stray, black marks on my ballot. Turns out, I made these marks. After carefully filling each desired bubble on my ballot, the ink from the felt-tip pens provided at my precinct actually went through to the other side of the ballot.

Letters to the editor

Local protests prove Prop 8 won’t last What happens when a majority of voters denies equal rights to a minority? It took decades for interracial marriage to be legal in every state. Now, we will have a biracial president. Why should we believe that the passage of California Proposition 8 will permanently deny marriage to all consenting adults? It is only a matter of time and hard work on the part of those who understand what truly is at stake to win equality for all.

Yes we can have college football playoffs

With the recent election, it seems we can’t go anywhere without hearing how there needs to be change in America. Up until election day, the candidates pressed their messages for change in the economy, healthcare, foreign policy, energy independence – even college football.

Letters to the editor

Diversity is more than just race

Dictionary.com states that diversity is “the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.” By saying Cal Poly is not a diverse campus because we are 64.7 percent white is an over generalization.

Diversity is more than just skin color.

Republicans are finding that reality bites

As President-elect Barack Obama sets up his administration’s cabinet, and rightfully measures the drapes in the Oval Office Democrats like myself relish these few victory weeks, and Republicans across the United States are suffering from Post-election Social and Political Vacuum Syndrome; yes, PSPV.