Female engineers can find men too

Please tell me you’re joking. You really think that career-driven women contribute any more to “divorce rates and broken homes” than career-driven men? Any adult who puts his or her career before family contributes to this problem. While many women…

A woman's place in society does not have to be at home

Ms. Potter, I am not the type to criticize what others want to do with their degree but I am appalled by what you have said in your letter. Go ahead and earn your MRS degree if that is what…

A letter for Jessica Potter

In case you’re living in a time warp, this is not the 1950s anymore. This may surprise you, but women can actually play a role in society besides being stuck in the house all day, which seems to be your…

The truth is, I want to be a stay at home dad

Gee wiz, I am ‘like’ uh, so tired of these stereotypes about my major, guys. Come on, I am just an engineer because I want to meet a soon-to-be well-to-do female child developmentalist or liberal studier that will make all…

Life on the Central Coast is great if you can afford it

I am as distressed about the lack of funding for higher education as is ASI President Tylor Middlestadt. I hope students don’t think that faculty and staff are profiting at their expense. We went for 3 years without a pay…

Come on Cal Poly, make your voices heard and represent

On Thursday, October 27th, myself and six other representatives from Cal Poly attended a CSU board of trustees meeting in Long Beach. We were part of a statewide CSU student movement to prevent the continued unfair taxation of students through…

The truth is, liberal studies majors really just want to find husbands

I am so tired of liberal studies majors getting so fired up about being called MRS majors. Why deny the truth? We all came into Cal Poly with one intention; to snag a soon-to-be well-to-do engineer, architect or businessman and…

Los Angeles Times stirs up the pot

New topic already, jeees. Hmm … politics, religion, SLO repression? As catchy as those topics are they have been done before. Let’s try a new topic and see how it goes. The Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago reported…

Modesty is the best showoff

The CPSalsa posters are inappropriate, and for the exact opposite reasons that many of the recent letters to the Mustang Daily have ridiculed. The human body is a beautiful thing. It is something that is to be kept healthy and…

A brave new movement

In the wake of bad publicity that followed the Cal Poly Salsa Club fliers that sadly ended in a censorship issue … (hey, I’m not at all suggesting that we emulate Berkeley or anything, but what about the First Amendment?…

Remembering Gene Lenz

I would really like to thank Tonya Strickland for writing a wonderful article in memory of Gene Lenz, former Cal Poly swimmer and Olympian. I have known Gene for the last four years and I felt honored to have met…