Jessica, my name is Brian. I and the other 450 liberal studies majors couldn’t help but read your letter. Were you serious or were you trying to be ironic? If you were being ironic or sarcastic, you need to work…
Letters to the Editor
Finding passion in your career
Jessica Potter’s letter is degrading, not only to liberal studies majors, but to all women. The idea that liberal studies majors might be in it for the sole purpose of stimulating the minds of children, is apparently far too profound…
Women can have both a career and a marriage
If you are here to get your MRS degree, do you actually go to your classes? You do? Well, are you that girl who dresses up like you are going downtown on a Saturday night for you 8 a.m. classes?…
One of the few who appreciates good humor
I love a good laugh. That’s why I enjoyed Jessica Potter’s witty and sarcastic letter about liberal studies majors. It actually made me chuckle out loud to my roommates. So can you imagine how many times I guffawed, how many…
Where's the value in liberal arts?
Let me just start out by saying that I think the liberal arts major is kind of a useless major. You learn a little bit of everything, but nothing much of anything. But I do respect those that actually plan…
Let's get the letters flowing
So, let me get this straight: anything I write here, even if it’s obviously completely sarcastic, is going to be taken seriously by everyone at the school and engender volumes of frothing hate mail? Cool! In that case, let me…
I was being sarcastic!
In response to the harsh attacks on Facebook, I would like to apologize to all of the liberal studies majors who did not get that my letter to the editor on Halloween was completely sarcastic. I was sick of two…
To my kid's future teacher
First of all, Miss Jessica Potter, you would be damn lucky to have the honor and privilege of baby-sitting one of my children. And based on your letter, I wouldn’t be surprised if that turned out to be the highlight…
How to use a degree
I really hope that Jessica Potter’s letter was meant to be sarcastic. If not, it is her way of thinking that women have fought for so long and hard to change. First, why on earth would she attend a university…
Liberal studies is not a joke
I am writing this letter in response to Jessica Potter’s letter to the editor. I completely disagree with her points that liberal studies majors belong in the home. If some women came here to find an engineer husband or plan…
There's nothing wrong with staying at home
I want to start off by saying there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a stay-at-home parent. And there’s nothing wrong with going to college and still deciding to be a stay at home parent. Jessica Potter has a…