Soccer success depends on fans, too

Is everyone on the men’s soccer team as sensitive as Eric Ward? One critical opinion on our terrible coach Wolfgang (and yes I say “our” because the soccer team is representative of Cal Poly of which I am affiliated) and…

Not all terrorists are Muslim

This is in response to Scott Nordholm’s letter “Everyone has the right to be wrong.” He explains “these Muslim terrorists need not a reason to attack America.” The article already fails to address other terrorists acts committed by NON-Muslims. “Terrorist…

Can we say hypocrite?

Last week, National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley admitted that our pre-war intelligence about Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction was wrong: “There was collective intelligence judgment – Turns out we were wrong.” Just last month, in a motivational speech,…

Show some respect, Jack

Mr. Ingram, I am appalled by your disrespect. So Nick didn’t go to New York in September, he went in October. Where the hell were you? Sitting safe and comfortable on your couch watching the firemen on TV? While as…

Take your negative attitude somewhere else

While reading the Mustang Daily on Tuesday, my attention was drawn to the letters to the editor section. One letter in particular struck a nerve. Matt Bozigar who has no affiliation with the Cal Poly men’s soccer team, except for…

Condition of education doesn't back up raises

This letter is in response to Jack Ingram’s article “It’s an opinion …” and “Are you a terrorist?” Jack writes, “When I applied for this position as a columnist, I did so with the intention of ‘popping’ something.” Wow. You…

It's called the soapbox, people!

Clearly, when you want to say someone was wrong to attack another, the best way to do it is to attack them. I was amazed at the sheer volume of responses to Jack Ingram’s column yesterday. Guess what, it’s HIS…

Students and staff give quality performance in "Proof"

I would like to take this opportunity to give a hearty round of applause to the Theatre and Dance Department’s Fall production of the Pulitzer Prize winning play, “Proof.” If you did not get a chance to see it last…

Commentaries are not meant for carrying on grudges

Jack Ingram’s most recent column (Nov. 15) was ridiculous. Whether I agree with his point of view or not is irrelevant; in the words of Voltaire, I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to…

Column reply is pathetic

Jack Ingram, you’re wrong and Nick was right. Your attempted rebuttal to save face was sad, (wait let me use your favorite literary tool the thesaurus to find more sophisticated words to describe just how sad it was so I…

Everyone has the right to be wrong

I would like address your claim that the ‘Activities since 9/11 have been counterproductive to counter-terrorism; adding fuel to the fire that is global terrorism.’ Ah . . . I think I finally understand. The killing of terrorists doesn’t seem…