President Baker – Man or myth? Supposedly, we have this president, President Baker, that exists to serve our university. Yet, of all my days spent on this campus, I have NEVER seen him. It’s like he’s “Where’s Waldo,” minus the…
Letters to the Editor
The real definition of slander
Hey Michael, I can’t believe you spent the entire first half of your letter (Soapbox Diaries or Slander?) bragging about how you looked up “slander,” but still got the definition wrong. Unreal. Slander is the oral communication of injurious statements…
Good coverage on women engineers
I’d like to thank the Mustang Daily for allowing an important point to come through in their Women of Engineering series- that the Men of Engineering are awesome in their treatment of the female engineers. A big thank you goes…
Opinion or Journalism?
Last week I saw an article regarding a California Universal Health Care bill. I was looking forward to an objective analysis, but what I found was an advertisement. The article told the potential value of the initiative while omitting the…
Thoughts on homosexuality
I’m tired of reading all these letters about why homosexuality is wrong or right, or that it is not accepted by religion. I personally think that there is nothing wrong with two incredibly hot women exploring their sexual desires. Chris…
Is he just another Nixon?
Responding to the commentary from the U. Cincinnati that ran on Jan. 10, it fails to note that there is a secret court where the president can get a warrant. He can even get it 72 hours after the spying…
Soapbox Diaries or Slander?
According to, the definition of slander is “. . . communication of false statements injurious to a person’s reputation.” It seems obvious I think, to everyone that the second half of this definition is true of Jack’s latest article…
Fundamentalists versus homosexuals
During 2004, I had the pleasure of working on campus on Tom Hutchings’ local campaign for assembly. His campaign manager was Paul Boisvert, who is openly gay. I’m straight, and come from a small town, and though I would consider…
Catholic church is hypocritical
I would just like to take a moment to comment on Grant Desme’s letter, 12/2/05. I quote, “It is not our job as Christians to judge one’s soul.” Oddly enough, this came only one paragraph after, “On the other hand,…
Religion is a belief, not a fact
I have to say, Grant Desme’s hypocrisy is deplorable. Desme must have been trying to infuriate intelligent students when he said, “It is not our place job as Christians to judge one’s soul” in the same letter as “homosexuality is…
Jesus loves everyone
The Church has specific moral guidelines (such as celibacy) in place for priests to follow in order to benefit the parish community they are serving. On the other hand, homosexuality is wrong whether or not one is a priest as…