From the arts department: Show us the money

Is anyone else completely fed up to the gills about the lack of funding going to the arts? I know it sounds cliche and tired that another person is railing against the arts, but the fact is that we are…

Cal Poly's faulty e-mail system is unacceptable

For the last week, Cal Poly students have again had to suffer thanks to the complete failure of CalPoly ITS to provide a reliable e-mail system. After a hugely expensive and wildly delayed e-mail “upgrade,” we’re right back where we…

Morgan, 250 words aren't enough

Question: If you were to succeed and bring God’s laws to all, and achieve your “Christian utopia,” what then would be your purpose? I assure you, the purpose of life has less to do with gathering supporters for your cause…

College is a choice, K-12 is not

After reading Brian Eller’s “The Right Way” about competition being the answer, I was appalled at how one-sided his views are. He presented information in the wrong way by failing to mention the key difference between someone who chooses to…

Bravo to the straw-man argument

In response to Mr. Allen’s letter I must say, bravo! What a wonderful example of a straw-man argument. In my original letter I explained how, by being “pro-responsibility,” one could be against killing the unborn (i.e. pro-life) and yet still…

It's about more than math and science

Andy Scott: As a fellow engineer, I also agree that our country’s policy on education hasn’t been perfect. Things should change in the math and sciences, and some of the fingers you pointed were progressively informed. However, when you bring…

Murderers are not the only ones who get the death penalty

Mr. Cumblidge, In your letter that took to task Mr. Ingram for “a lack of depth of scholarly inquiry,” you gave the impression that only murderers can be put to death in this country. Under various states’ constitutions, people can…

Save us all!

I’ve been waiting patiently for a Christian utopia, but the whole thing just can’t seem to get off the ground. I don’t know what to say, we’ve got all the answers in our book but not enough people are paying…

Bush talks a good game, does otherwise

As a mechanical engineering student who has essentially committed my life’s work to math and science, I find great irony in Brian Eller’s Feb. 7 column. He praises Bush for championing the importance of teaching math and science in our…

Finally, a real solution to a real problem

A few days ago, a guest commentary was featured reflecting upon the true implications of Roe v. Wade and the current state of reproductive rights for women. The article echoed my own concerns within the abortion debate: We need to…

Do your part, and go out and vote

There is a fee referendum Feb. 22-23 to increase mandatory fees for Instructionally Related Activities (IRA). It is funny how a lot of silly people think this has something to do with ASI. This IRA fee has absolutely no connection…