If you can’t walk and chew gum, you might consider spitting it out and hanging up your cell too. In the same vein as Manuel Azevedo’s letter last Thursday about bicyclists slowing down, I would like to remind all you…
Letters to the Editor
Conservatives are ignoring the real issues, lacking compassion
I would like to take the time to expound on my last letter regarding conservative political theory. In it, I stated that almost all conservative policy is derived in some way or another from the issues of responsibility and accountability.…
Some thoughts about the faulty e-mail
Thank you Russell, for saying what everyone else was thinking but afraid to say. I only have two things wrong with what you wrote in your letter to the editor “Cal Poly’s faulty e-mail system is unacceptable” dated Feb. 10,…
Here is that same letter minus the satire and fun (my apologies):
Electing religious leaders to our greater society’s posts is a clear affront to the public’s personal freedoms. This truth appears to be public understanding, even among religious Americans. Even though it could be done we should not present the harbingers…
Thank you Matt Fritch
I would just like to say thank you from those of us who read these letters to the editor for their tragic humor. I am sure that God appreciates, as I do, that he is now free from the burden…
There's no need for senseless ranting in letters
I have observed a disturbing trend in the Mustang Daily over the course of the last few weeks. Several hot-button issues have made themselves the center of attention. Be it the fake Christian rant, the evolution debate or any of…
Get over it
All right, now that they’ve all had their fun being completely belligerent to nonbelievers around the world, I think it’s time for Muslims to get over it. Just because somebody insults the founder of their religion is no reason for…
Students should be concerned about IRA fee referendum
Thanks, Mustang Daily, for your article on the Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) fee referendum that will take place on February 22 and 23. Even though the proposed fee increase is only $10 per quarter, it is obviously important for students…
Dear Mark Taylor
Your letter of February 9th, while entertaining, contained several strange assertions. First, you stated that intelligent design and global warming are legal and ethical matters, not scientific ones. It would seem to me that these are qualities that we choose…
Dear readers of the Mustang Daily, especially Brian McMullen
What you have to realize about Morgan Elam is that he never writes what he thinks. If you have read the paper in the last couple of years, you would know that Elam writes to get a rise out of…
My last letter was a Public Service Announcement
In order to create a strawman, I would need to be arguing with you. Since this is not the case, I have built no strawmen. I wanted to point out that there are other crimes for which you can be…