ITS never ceases to amaze

When I thought the service they provide us couldn’t get any shakier, they threw a new one at me. Before they have tamed the Oracle fiasco, they decided to get in over their heads and roll out a new portal…

A hornet stung our country, and now we've thrown a rock in its nest

Jack Ingram: I’ve liked some of your pieces quite a bit. I especially liked the ones in which you swing about with a double-edged sword. You were mustering up some fine style near the end of last quarter, the opinion…

Are we melting or growing?

Tylor Middlestadt’s “Confronting the silent crisis” continues the trend of misinformation in otherwise credible newspapers and magazines. Middlestadt writes about how “the Greenland ice sheet is melting faster than ever before” just like other articles I have read in National…

Area F classes are usually a waste of time

By the very nature of being a university we already incorporate technologies related to our studies. No major teaches obsolete material (intentionally). By isolating the technology requirement away from major programs the technological component of an Area F class either…

Some writing basics for Mr. Eller

Some writing basics for Mr. Eller Brian Eller’s “America’s most outrageous congresswoman” article scarcely addressed the issue of Cynthia McKinney and rather continued on as a rant about racial profiling. Perhaps a more suitable title would have prepared the reader…

The most bizarre argument in favor of racial profiling I have ever seen

Brian Eller’s April 11 column on racial profiling makes several absurd statements regarding the recent port controversy. Specifically, he refers to “the President’s port deal” in which “the president offered to hand over security of our ports.” What is the…

Mr. Eller loses his reader

I have always enjoyed political debate/discussion in any forum. The Mustang Daily is no exception. In particular, Mr. Eller and Ingram are something I read whenever featured. That said I believe Mr. Eller got a little distracted on his Op/Ed…

Attention illegal immigrants

All right, now I’m pissed off. I don’t know about how other people feel about this, but I am about ready to go postal over this issue of illegal immigration. These little rallies they have been having over the last…

'Under 4' campaign drinking the haterade

While facebooking I noticed that the “Under 4” people are trying to further spread their hatred of drinking. They spent perfectly good money on putting an ad on Facebook. I thought the lame posters and ads in this fine paper…

Views on immigration and the pending bill

I am simply shocked at how people are reacting to the fact that the government wants to criminalize ILLEGAL immigrants. Don’t get me wrong, but aren’t you a criminal when you commit an illegal act. Therefore, all ILLEGAL immigrants are…

Immigration policy and the pressures of economics

As a credit card-carrying member of the Aryan race, a blood relative of Native Americans and a descendent of migrant monkeys, my opinions on immigration are instantly relevant. America always has crappy jobs. So we import: Indentured white guys to…