Anti-abortion exhibit got the facts wrong

I received the e-mail from Dr. Morton about the “Justice for All” group coming to campus. Being curious about the group, I looked at their Web site, which discusses the harms of the death penalty. The site says nothing about…

'Justice for All' an ineffective display

The “Justice for All” exhibit was intended to create debate, change hearts and save lives. Ironically, I haven’t met one person whose views of abortion were changed because of this exhibit. Most people that I have spoken with or overheard…

The way to peace is through dialogue, not slurs

As long as we continue to define peace in terms of war, there will be no peace. That was the overwhelming message I heard last weekend at Brandeis University’s commencement, with a speech delivered by HRH Prince Hassan Bin Talal…

'Justice for All' a good display of free speech

I applaud the “Justice for All” displays at the University Union and on Dexter Lawn. I am pro-choice, and “Justice for All” won’t change that, but they are pursuing their cause in the right manner. By humanizing embryonic life, they…

Mothers are not baby factories, give them rights

There has been a lot of discussion on Dexter Lawn and in the University Union the last several days. Some of it good, some of it bad, and some of it clearly not well thought out. Today, I heard something…

Palestinians can't bomb their way to peace, but others can

When I opened the paper last Tuesday I couldn’t believe my eyes: The headline to Brian Eller’s column read “You can’t bomb your way to peace.” I nearly had a heart attack. Was the conservative columnist advocating non-violence? Had he…

Why you can't equivocate Israel with Nazism

I’d like to discuss an opinion Humza Chowdhry expressed in the Mustang Daily on May 18. I suppose that, although I don’t agree with it, he does have the right to express it. It is unfortunate that his leadership only…

Conservatives display hypocrisy on Dexter Lawn

Conservatives display hypocrisy on Dexter Lawn So why can you display two-story-tall graphic pictures of aborted fetuses all over campus, but a small flier stuck on a wooden stake showing a little side boob draws the ire of the conservative…

Education, not graphic posters, will stop abortion

The images placed on Dexter are supposed to keep women from having an abortion. Well, I stared at the images for a long time, but during that whole time, not once, did any of those images communicate how one could…

Msutang Daley editers rock

Ive been reading you’re paper four for year’s now. Ill be graduating in june and, I will be sad to leave you guy’s. The best thing about you’re paper is how you guy’s really know how to check for spelling…

A Holy Land history lesson

In Humza Chowdry’s letter, he said, “Peace in Palestine will happen when the Zionists give back the land they stole, and not try to profit off land that was never theirs to begin with.” Let’s take a quick history lesson.…