I have been involved in politics since early in high school, and have spent many years engaged in debate with intelligent, well-informed people.
Letters to the Editor
What if the United States was occupied by foreign forces?
Just about every day, I’ll read in the newspaper or watch on the news about how horrible the Iraqi war has gone…
Memorials should highlight the good and bad
Well, today I open my paper to find not one, not two, but three different articles bashing the Mustang Daily for implying that Spencer Wood was drunk at the time he died.
Staff editorial disrespectful to Wood's friends, family
On Monday, the Mustang Daily did a story on the memorial service in honor of Richard Spencer “Willow” Wood on the first page. On the opinions page, his life was turned into a public service announcement for the moderation of college drinking habits.
This was a completely ill-timed article written by the editorial staff.
Wood's death a tragic accident, not alcohol related
The lack of consideration and professionalism displayed by the editorial staff was not only disrespectful, but absolutely disgusting…
Editorial a good wake-up call for students who drink
I wanted to thank you for the editorial regarding student alcohol deaths. I’ve been at Cal Poly for 12 years and have seen far too many students die or suffer injuries as a result of alcohol and other substance abuse. The serious abuse of alcohol is also related to sexual assaults, accidents, and academic underachievement and failure.
Political scrutiny not limited to conservatives
In response to Patrick Molnar’s sarcasm regarding conservatives “educating” us about Barack Obama – I somehow don’t think that scrutinizing a candidate of an…
Student parking on campus needs improvement
An open letter to the performing arts center and University Police Department: I seriously dislike you both.
First, the PAC: I understand that you need parking, but I need it more than you. I pay over $1,400 each quarter to attend classes and I’m tired of old retirees with season passes and other schools visiting Cal Poly getting my parking spot.
Mustang Daily wrote its own obituary
To the editorial staff of the Mustang Daily:
It would be very easy for me to use this letter as a means of bashing you and your coworkers for your ghastly unprofessionalism and erroneous reporting, however I believe that the aforementioned facts have been made more than obvious by the level of feedback you have received for your editorial entitled, “The Mustang Daily does not want to write your obituary.
Stop sending us spam
Enough is enough! I’ve had it with spam from my Cal Poly e-mail address. I was forced to have an e-mail address…
Enhanced verbal communication means nothing without reason
The verbal faculty to better communicate emotion does well for exhibiting passions passionately, and that’s important.