Citing biblical text doesn't count as hate speech

In response to a letter to the editor published Monday (“Hate speech is not protected”), how is citing verses from the Quran hate speech? It is possible that the Quran has hateful messages in it, and that quoting those verses is hate speech, but then you’d be calling the most holy book in the religion of Islam hateful.

You rocked ASI's e-Vote

Thank you to everyone who participated in ASI’s Rock the e-Vote last week! We really appreciate all the comments and concerns you shared with us. Please feel free to e-mail me with any additional questions or concerns you have:

Arab culture sometimes hides the bad

Recently, Cal Poly celebrated the Arab Awareness Week with movies, a speaker and a culture night. We were also invited to change the status quo of the Middle East in a workshop on Saturday and learn even more about the Israel/Palestine issue on Sunday.

I agree, we should be aware of the Arab culture.

God isn't a Democrat or Republican

Tuesday’s political display on Dexter Lawn left me with mixed emotions. I certainly

Daniel Pipes not so controversial after all

A flier went up on facebook Monday, warning that a “libelous duplicitous racist

Hate speech found all over campus

Kayvan Chinichian’s letter to the editor Monday (“Hate speech is not protected”) alludes to posters about quotations from the Quran around campus as hate speech, and that hate speech is not protected, as it would not be protected if he were to go around and post Nazi posters defaming Jews.

Moral arguments differ from political ones

As an ardent advocate for civil liberties (and particularly of First Amendment rights

Smokers should keep their cigarettes out of public

Somehow Hayley Bramble is convinced, in her March 2 commentary (“Gives smokers a break”)

Nonsmokers die too

Bravo to the staff commentary Friday (“Give smokers a break”). I had no idea smoking was taboo here. I’m now inclined to pick it up again. In the indelible words of Bill Hicks, “Do you guys go up to crippled people dancing? You sick f–ks! I’d quit smoking if I wasn’t afraid of becoming one of you .

Hate speech is not protected

Xenophobia, as defined by The American Heritage Dictionary, is “a person unduly fearful

Baker's pay raise could be better spent on faculty

I wanted to say thanks to Warren Baker for agreeing to another salary increase. He