How can students make sure to properly park on campus?

I ride my bike to school when I can, but there are times when I need to bring my

Arming everyone doesn't solve the problem

I can see it now. A guy walks into class with a gun. Someone shouts “he’s got a

Laws don't stop criminals

In response to Nathan Tsoi’s letter to the editor on April 25 regarding gun control in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, I couldn’t agree more. The truth is, there is little we can do to stop a determined criminal from using a firearm to commit some terrible act; passing legislation to keep citizens from carrying concealed firearms means little to somebody as desperate as Cho Seung-Hui.

Bugs a sign of safe food

I found the article in Thursday’s Mustang Daily regarding the bug found in the salad from Campus Dining quite interesting and couldn’t help but respond.

First, Alan Cushman should be applauded for taking the opportunity to satisfy the customer and explain why sustainability in food is so important and worth the extra precautions to try to ensure a good dining experience.

Guns exist so deal with it

I completely agree with Nathan Tsoi’s comments Wednesday. Fact: “there are guns

VT shooting about social hierarchy, not gun control

In the past week, the Mustang Daily has outcried the Virginia Tech massacre,

Less gun control could have saved lives

I am a law-abiding citizen and I believe that criminals should not have guns. In a perfect

Mustang Daily attacks El Corral again

Well once again the Mustang Daily puts down their campus bookstore but this time they

Arnold's MTV appearance good for environment

Zach Austin, the “greenwashing” Governator is a politician, as are all the Democrats

No such thing as radical Islam

I am extremely curious to know who is in charge of the “Briefs” section of the

Fed up with bureaucracy of financial aid services

Is anyone else fed up with the poor service we receive from Cal Poly’s Financial Aid