After months of negotiating with the chancellor’s office, members of the California State University Employees Union, SEIU Local 2579, will receive their first raises in three years. “It was a rough start, but we came out with a happy ending,”…
Gov. signs bill to offer doctorate of education
Gov. Schwarzenegger signed a bill in September that authorizes the California State University system to independently offer a doctorate of education degree. “This legislation marks perhaps the most significant change in the CSU system’s role in the last four decades,”…
Kinko's founder offers advice to students
Kinko’s founder and Cal Poly enthusiast Paul Orfalea visited Cal Poly yesterday to speak to students about business and his advice on how to live life to the fullest. “Every day you need your soul to catch up to your…
Smiling through hard times
Bonnie Lowry sits at a table in Sierra Vista hospital discussing the pros and cons of her prosthetic. She is young and tall with very long and thick red hair. While she talks, she pulls at the sides of her scalp and slowly removes her hairpiece. She is completely bald.
Depression screenings offered at Cal Poly
Holly Burke Holly Burke mustang daily As students’ lives change they are faced not only with the pressures of school, but also with roommates, paying bills, dealing with relationships and living independently. Many students begin to feel anxious or depressed…
Housing projects on the horizon
Emily Rancer The construction of a 69-unit housing complex for faculty and staff is on schedule, said Jim Reinhart, the managing director of the Cal Poly Housing Corporation. The Bella MontaAƱa development, which will be at the corner of Highland…
Professors to aid developing nations through agriculture
Living on foreign lands, working in underdeveloped cities and rural villages, lending a hand through knowledge they’ve gained; Professors from Cal Poly and four other California State Universities will step out of their university classrooms and pool their resources to…
Fundraising goal set at $1 billion
Raised fees and increased fundraising to accommodate higher enrollment were the central issues presented at the first meeting of the Academic Senate Monday afternoon. Cal Poly President Warren Baker has announced an overall fundraising goal of $1 billion. The president’s…
Student earns scholarship after traumatic event
Emily Logan Lindsay Johnson fills every criterion for receiving an award or scholarship. An exemplary architecture student, she volunteers at a battered women’s shelter and helps build homes for families in Mexico. This year, she received the William R. Hearst-CSU…
Fundraising goal set at $1 billion
Raised fees and increased fundraising to accommodate higher enrollment were the central issues presented at the first meeting of the Academic Senate Monday afternoon. Cal Poly President Warren Baker has announced an overall fundraising goal of $1 billion. The president’s…
Dorm pamphlet upsets Poly greek community
A pamphlet distributed in the Cal Poly dorms that describes sexual abuse as more prevalant in the greek system has caused anger and debate between Student Affairs departments. The pamphlets stated that “Greek men are more likely to perpetrate rape,…