Football team flight canceled, rescheduled

Emily Rancer Mustang Daily For several hours on Thursday, the Cal Poly football team was frantically looking for a new flight to Montana for its game on Saturday. The original flight, set to leave today at 9 a.m. was canceled…

Students raise funds for education in Kenya

Tonya Strickland Broadening life perspective, supporting education and encouraging travel abroad are some of the ideals that back the Cal Poly chapter of Student World Assembly (SWA). The organization is pulling in funds to send directly to Kenyan schools via…

Climate Challenge raises environmental awareness

tom sanders The California Student Sustainability Coalition (CSSC) sponsored the second annual Energy Action’s Campus Climate Challenge on Dexter Lawn Wednesday. The event, held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., asked the question, “Is the environment getting in the way…

Advising Awareness Week is coming

michael mullady For any Cal Poly student looking to graduate on time, pay attention. The Advising Awareness Week, Oct. 24 to 28, will include a campus-wide fair for all students to talk to their advisors and visit the Career Center…

Poly professor co-edits book

George J. Peterson, a professor in the College of Education, recently co-authored and co-edited a book providing a wide spectrum of research in the education field, not only based on his expertise, but the expertise of seven other hand-picked scholars.…

Fabulous furniture

michael mullady Cal Poly students took home honors last Friday at the Vellum/College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) second annual design exhibition. The exhibition encouraged CAED students and faculty members to craft original furniture designs to be judged by…

Proposed referendum could increase student fees

Graphic by Louise Dolby The Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) is considering a proposal to increase student Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) fees. If it is approved, the proposal will be on the ballot for students winter quarter. The referendum would…

Health Center to offer safe sex and contraception workshop

brennan angel Information about birth control and advice on medical choices regarding birth control methods are available at Cal Poly’s own Health Center. Located in building 27 next to the Rec Center and Peer Health Education, the Health Center has…

Fire Department hires new chief

James Mellor The San Luis Obispo Fire Department will operate under a new chief as of Tuesday, Nov. 1. John Callahan, a former deputy chief of the Los Angeles City Fire Department, will be sworn in during the next City…

Cal Poly crime decreases

Crimes reported to the Cal Poly campus police are down 46 percent over the past five years, according to recent police statistics. These include offenses reported to the police such as arson, car theft, assault and robbery. Such crimes were…

New wakeboarding club flying high

Garrett Leight The Central Coast Association of Wakeboarders is an organization dedicated to its sport, the lake lifestyle and teaching members throughout the Central Coast how to ride. CCAW, pronounced “Ca-Caw!,” has become one of the largest wakeboarding clubs in…