Danny Halprin will be the IFC president for the 2016-17 academic year.
Delta Chi’s social probation began on March 8.
IFC has new plans for this year’s St. Fratty’s Day.
The reported incident occurred during a registered Cal Poly event.
Chi O Casino raised approximately $41,000 last year.
Envoy Now, a food delivery service, is starting to participate in multiple fundraisers for clubs and greek life organizations.
Alpha Chi Omega (AXO) sorority expanded their fundraising efforts during their annual Love Shouldn’t Hurt Week last week.
The men of AEPi have offered to shave their heads to help raise money for the Cuck Fancer organization.
Sigma Pi is hosting its first major “Suicide Awareness Week” in honor of its philanthropy The Amazing Day Foundation.
AGR’s probation has been extended until Spring 2017 and the fraternity will lose access to its house for a year.
Those who knew Wolf gathered in his honor and were able to listen to him sing one more time.