Jasmin Fashami is Cal Poly’s Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) President; as of Tuesday, she is also a United States citizen. On Tuesday, April 23, Fashami was at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Downtown LA with almost 4,000 others getting…
ASI Student Government voter turnout reaches historic low at 14 percent
Voter turnout in Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Student Government elections has been increasing over the past 10 years, but took a sharp turn this year with only 14.7 percent of Cal Poly students voting, according to an ASI press release.
Mark Borges will be the 2019-20 ASI President along with 24 new Board of Directors members
Want to swim laps at the Recreation Center pool this summer? You can’t
Summer renovations are set for Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) to re-plaster and re-tile the Recreation Center’s lap pool, as well as add an American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ramp and make deck improvements. The pool must be re-plastered every 10…
Cal Poly community honors victims of recent Sri Lanka, New Zealand violence in vigil
Students, faculty and staff came together in the University Union (UU) Plaza on Tuesday, April 23 to honor those killed or injured in recent global acts of violence. Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Student Government and the Dean of Students hosted…
If more than 40 percent of students vote in ASI elections, it will be the largest turnout in Cal Poly history
The percentage of students who vote in student government elections has been gradually increasing over the past 10 years, with voting spikes in 2011 and 2013.
Meet the three 2019-2020 ASI presidential candidates
Video by Austin Linthicum & Connor McCarthy Three candidates are campaigning to be the 2019-2020 Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) president. The president represents the Cal Poly student body and works closely with university administration. Alex Bires Journalism freshman Alex Bires…
Their son will never get to vote. So the Grant family donated $50,000 to ASI to encourage other students to share their voice
Change the Status Quo conference will focus on social justice, white privilege and allyship
After 17 years, the annual Cal Poly Center for Service in Action Change the Status Quo conference finally has a theme: redefining boldness. This year’s conference will take place on Feb. 22 and 23 and will incorporate workshops, guest speakers…
New MultiCultural Center opens in University Union
The MultiCultural Center (MCC) unofficially opened Feb. 13 in their new location downstairs in the Julian A. McPhee University Union (UU).
Want to be the change you seek at Cal Poly? 2019-2020 Student government applications are open
The 2019 Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Student Government Elections are coming up soon for the 2019-2020 academic school year. Applications for both ASI President and ASI Board of Directors are open until Feb .22. ASI is composed of elected students…