SLOPD officers to step up downtown patrol

Joseph Pack/Mustang News An increase in vandalism, drunk in publics, open containers, urinating in public, and illegal lodging has led to increased police patrolling downtown. Emma Patterson [follow id=”eypatterson”] Because of increased activity and problems in the area, the San…

Talks ongoing for Grand Avenue housing project

Administrators will meet this week to discuss the future of the Grand Avenue housing project.

Community will have more time to comment on university housing plans

The project has sparked controversy among locals, who argue the neighborhood will be disrupted by the installation of approximately 1,475 more freshmen living close by.

‘Nava-hos’ investigation dropped, administrators not certain it was official greek party

Unlike the initial email sent to students on Nov. 19, which called the party “a social fraternity and sorority event,” the email students received Wednesday referred to it as an “off-campus party.”

No violations found after investigation of ‘Nava-ho’ party

The Nov. 16 off-campus party that came under fire on campus and across the country was not in violation of university policies.

ASI Board of Directors votes to stay on quarters

The ASI Board of Directors also formally supported quarters earlier this year, after 89.8 percent of voting students shot down semesters in a February vote.

President’s communications director to retire in January

Chip Visci, director of communications in the Office of the President, will retire early next year.

FIRE criticizes Cal Poly investigation into Native American-themed party

Joe Cohn, who works at FIRE’s headquarters in Philadelphia, said Thursday that Cal Poly’s investigation is unconstitutional based on the information the university has made public so far.

Cal Poly challenging email that identifies party’s theme, host

University administrators are challenging the contents of an email sent to the Cal Poly Diversity Coalition that identified the host and theme of an “offensive” party now under investigation by the dean of students, a university spokesperson said Wednesday.

Armstrong’s spirit of leadership

Displaying his Mustang pride with an endless supply of high fives, Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong is practically a famed figure on campus.

Liberal arts dean pushes for college fee increase

The fee increase would bring the College of Liberal Arts college-based fee on par with the rest of the Cal Poly’s colleges, which all stand at $347.19 per quarter. The College of Liberal Arts fee is now $239.19.