Mustang Minutes

Mustang Minute, Oct. 9, 2013: Inside the Career Fair

[follow id= “ashleydevriend”] Mustang News reporter Ashley DeVriend gets a look inside the first day of the Cal Poly Career Fair.

Mustang Minute, Oct. 8, 2013: IFC fall recruitment kicks off

[follow id=”ChristinaFav”] Cal Poly fraternities of the Interfraternity Council are recruiting a new set of brothers. Mustang News reporter Christina Favuzzi finds out what’s in store for fall rush week.

Mustang Minute, Oct. 7, 2013: Students talk about how they use social media

[follow id=”ashleydevriend”] Mustang News reporter Ashley DeVriend interviews students about how they use social media to find out about on-campus events.

Mustang Minute, Oct. 4, 2013: Students share their passion for line dancing

Mustang News reporter Lisa Diaz talks with students from Cal Poly’s Country Line Dancing Club about a long-standing tradition on campus.

Mustang Minute, Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013: 2nd Annual SLO Fest brings local businesses to campus

Olivia DeGennaro [follow id= “LivDeGennaro”] Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro talks with some of the local businesses at SLO Fest.

Mustang Minute, Oct. 2, 2013: Panhellenic sororities show off their new members

Mustang News reporter Ashley DeVriend interviews Panhellenic sorority members about their new pledge classes.

Mustang Minute, Oct. 1, 2013: ASI President Jason Colombini talks office hours from Dexter Lawn

Mustang News reporter Christina Favuzzi interviews Associated Students, Inc. President Jason Colombini during his Tuesday open office hours.