Hear University Police Department’s suggestions about driving to campus, see the email about weeklong parking enforcement, and hear what students have to say about the changes.
Mustang News: Quarter in review
Mustang News anchors Ben King and Citlaly Santos review spring quarter’s biggest stories.
ASI Board of Directors Approves Resolution for Open Course Evaluations
At the meeting last week, the ASI Board of Directors approved the resolution to open up course evaluations for students to reference when choosing their classes. The next step is asking the university to look at this possibility. Many universities already offer evaluations for students to see.
Faculty rally to protest lack of salary increases
Signs saying “Money for managers, promises for profs!” and “The mustang has lost its way!” pointed to the concerns surrounding faculty pay and administrative bloat.
Triathlon Team Takes on Wildflower
The Cal Poly Triathlon Team competed in the 33rd annual Wildflower Triathlon Festival this past weekend at Lake San Antonio.
Cal Poly students work to sustain
The Cal Poly Future Fuels club wants to bridge a gap they see between students and the community. See what the Future Fuels club had in store for city residents at the Central Coast Sustainability Festival.
Cal Poly Student Opera Theatre takes a final bow after The Merry Widow Opera
Cal Poly Student Opera and OperaSLO partnered to bring The Merry Widow to Spanos Theatre, an opportunity the community might not get for a while.