Mariecar Mendoza (MM) Mariecar Mendoza, Diversions Editor (BD) Brett Detar, vocalist/guitarist/keyboardist for The Juliana Theory (MM) What’s your favorite song on the new album? (BD) My favorite song is probably the hidden track “Her Velvet Voice” and maybe also…
The lamest generation
Mariecar Mendoza I know it. You know it. Scantily-clad, beer-soaked witches know it. We are boring. I discovered the truth this weekend, during the annual San Luis Slutty Nurse/Schoolgirl Convention – I mean, Halloween. During one party, deep into the…
Face Your "F.E.A.R."
Ryan Chartrand The lights go dim as I stumble into an elevator. The door quickly slams shut as my heart tries to stop me from thinking. I quickly reload my assault rifle and try to shield myself in the corner.…
Students' literary excellence honored in "Byzantium"
Editor’s note: This is the last of a two-part series on “Byzantium.” In a showcase of poetry and fiction “Byzantium,” Cal Poly’s student-produced literary annual, proves to be a channel of creative expression and matchless opportunity for designers, editors and…
Top 5 Classy Places to Make Love at Cal Poly
Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke Editor's note: "Two Classy Gents" is a humor commentary and weekly online exclusive. It’s time for the Two Classy Gents to sit down and tackle the topic of fornication. Studies have shown that Cal…
Dancing through the air
michael mullady Her bright red ribbons and black clothing are vivid against the green and brown scenery surrounding Bishop’s Peak. She floats through the air, demonstrating strength and flexibility beyond belief. The trees support her every move, as if they…
Ode to the AP Stylebook
Emily Rancer As I sit and stare at the pages Of newspapers yet to print I find myself staring for ages At my stylebook for a hint. Woeful are the rules for “said” And where the comma goes; I…
Frightful fundraiser at the Fremont
In the spirit of Halloween, the Fremont Theater will show the 1999 film “Sleepy Hollow” today at 8 p.m. for $5. Hosted by the Wheelchair Foundation, a nonprofit organization that delivers wheelchairs around the world, “Sleepy Hollow” is the first…
Comedy for a cause
The American Red Cross and a group of comedians are joining forces tonight at the Grange Hall to host a relief effort for Hurricane Katrina victims. National headliners Debbie Wooten and Rick “The Oakland Outlaw” Birchmore will perform, along with…
Claassen the Creepster
Mariecar Mendoza High above a graveyard, I am getting Step One of the Jeff Claassen Courtship Plan. “You’re not the first girl I’ve brought up here,”says Claassen mischievously. “It’s a very good spot.” It’s 10:30 p.m. on a Thursday and…