SLO live music scene loses its bite

nick coury By Nick Coury It is Tuesday night when the regular crowd, a surplus of beer-battered 20-somethings, shuffles in and slouches around the room, which contains a long skinny bar with a stage and a pint of Firestone for…

Getting Biblical with Iron and Wine

Mariecar Mendoza Don’t let the taste dissuade – Iron and Wine is very, very good for you. The name stands for Sam Beam, a singer-songwriter with a fast folk finger and instantly recognizable gentle vocals. The talented southerner has recorded…

Ten Ruminations Upon Watching MTV's 10 Spot

1. The brains-in-a-vat behind MTV’s prime-time programming emphasize modern ambiguity tenfold over actual comprehension. The 10 Spot intro, once the destination site for “Daria” clips and off-color jokes, held a brief flirtation with actual music videos last year.

A motley of sounds hits SLO

Garrett Leight The eclectic musical sound of Ozomatli will be blaring tonight at The Graduate with special guest State Radio. The event kicks off Ozomatli’s two-month tour. A decade ago, 10 Los Angeles performers decided to push the boundaries of…

"The Movies" tries for too much

Ryan Chartrand Check out the uGamer's ball that went on this past week on campus Here. Also, enjoy listening to the KCPR's "Press Start" gaming show while you read about "The Movies." Peter Molyneux is a highly ambitious game designer…


Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke Editor's note: "Two Classy Gents" is a Mustang Daily online exclusive humor column.   First, a word of warning. Reading the rest of this column could cause your brain to explode. No, seriously. If…

Poly gamers declare thumb war

nick coury By Nick Coury From the hardcore to the mediocre gamers, all gathered to put their thumbs to work at “Gamer’s Ball,” a two-day event hosted by mtvU that presented new and unreleased games for Xbox consoles and PCs.…

Law restricts violent games

Children under the age of 18 are now prohibited from buying extremely violent video games after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 1179 last month. The bill, written by Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Tom Leland Yee, requires that games be…

'Kiss' and tell: director talks about latest film

Setting the bar for noir films, “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang,” starring Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer and Michelle Monaghan brings something to look forward to in theaters this month. With toxic pulp humor, the movie, directed by Shane Black (screenwriter…

Proud to be a beer snob

Emily Logan To begin, I will recount a conversation I had with a friend just the other day. When I asked him if he had taken advantage of Spike’s Oktoberfest deal, he said he hadn’t yet, after which I added…

'Proof' makes regional debut at Poly

Emily Logan Cal Poly’s theater and dance department will present the Pulitzer Prize-winning play, “Proof,” running Thursdays through Saturdays, Nov. 10 through Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. in the Spanos Theatre. These performances will mark the regional stage premiere of…