'Silent Hill' redefines video game adaptations

Ryan Chartrand Doom,” “Resident Evil,” “Super Mario Bros.” These are only a few of the disappointing films that have stained theaters for the past decade, an era that many gamers and moviegoers have tried to forget. The words “Silent Hill,”…

The real deep impact

Julianne Byer Recently, I came across a blip of an article discussing a theory on the relationship a well-connected person can have on the others around them. It’s interesting, because we all like to think that we have even a…

Going into the closet

Nick Coury The few nights during the month when I go out to the bars or a friend’s house party, I make sure to get my hair did and look good, in a manner of speaking. When it comes to…

Craft center issues a call for art

Jen Boudevin The annual Spring Craft Sale is approaching, and the ASI Craft Center has sent out a “Call for Art!” The center is seeking vendors to sell their handcrafted goods at the event, held from May 10 – 12…

Dance team brings New York to Poly

The Parsons Dance Company, an energetic, modern dance group from New York, will be performing on Sunday, April 23 at the Alex and Faye Spanos Theatre. “It’s a spunky and energetic company,” said office manager Gillian Smith. “It’s pretty interesting.”…

All-star cast melts down competition in 'Ice Age' sequel

Kelly Cope “Ice Age: The Meltdown” is the perfect sequel to the first “Ice Age.” With ample humor to keep audience members of all ages entertained, the film’s interactions are what make the movie worth watching. The premise is simple.…

Where have all the 'Scary Movies' gone?

Ryan Chartrand The “Scary Movie” series has been on a downward spiral ever since its comedy shifted from R-rated to PG-13 humor. With the Wayans brothers no longer aboard the writing team and only a few worthy horror movies to…

Jonah rocks a cold Monterey night

nick coury CSU Monterey Bay was built on Fort Ord military base, which was used during the Vietnam War. Many of the original buildings have been remodeled for the campus to use, as is the Black Box Cabaret, a campus…

Bands battle for the top spot

Christina Casci Battle of the Bands will take place today at Downtown Brew. It is a benefit concert for the VH1 Save the Music Foundation organized by students involved in Rotaract, the college student form of Rotary Club. Five bands…

The state of the reunion

Mariecar Mendoza On Easter Sunday, he was risen. The lanky and shirtless man, glowing behind his mass of flowing dark hair and vicious laceration scars, lifted his hands to the world that had awaited him and bestowed an omniscient smile…

'Benchwarmers' fills theaters with laughter

Jandy Jones When three grown men challenged a Little League baseball team for rights to play on the field, no one knew what they were getting themselves into. The little league team thought it had the game in the bag…