They say a picture tells a thousand words. But what about a thousand pictures? CNET says they spell one word: CollegeLive. CNET Networks’ latest service, WebShots CollegeLive, is a photo-sharing community where college students can post and organize pictures much…
'United 93' commemorates lost lives
Ryan Chartrand I could have done without “United 93.” I could have continued to live my life pushing the thought of terrorism and the infamy that took place on Sept. 11, 2001 to the far corners of my mind. But…
Film changes world, one paper clip at a time
Guilt. It is something all human beings deal with; some more than others. It is the nauseating churning of your stomach when you lie to a friend or parent. It is the shameful heat felt inching up your face when you know you’ve made a mistake. Or it is the indescribably painful physical repercussion of remaining silent, paralyzed by hatred and fear, in the face of evil.
'Tribute' concert celebrates both
ryan chartrand It’s amazing to think that it’s taken more than two decades for a concert featuring music from Japanese animation (anime) and video games to gracefully make its way into the Christopher Cohan Center. Thankfully, the first and hopefully…
'Wii', oh why?
“Xbox 360,” an epic name of mystery and grand proportions. “PlayStation 3,” a name of nostalgia, imagination and infinite possibilities. “Wii,”- Um, I don’t know. What the hell does “Wii” even mean? How do you even pronounce it? "WEE Let's go on the swing!" or "Why is this such a terrible name?" The Japanese have been crazy when it comes to the video game industry for years, but when you change a next-gen console name from “Revolution” to “Wii,” you might as well rename it one more time to “We are Insane.
Filipinos are 'Righting My Goodbye'
Paul Bittick The Pilipino Cultural Exchange (PCE) presents “Righting My Goodbye,” an original production by Cal Poly students Friday and Saturday at the Clark Center in Arroyo Grande. “Righting My Goodbye” centers its story around the character of Isabelle (Lisa…
A 'Silent' new awakening
Ryan Chartrand “Doom,” “Resident Evil,” “Super Mario Bros.” These are only a few of the disappointing films that have stained theaters for the past decade, an era that many gamers and moviegoers have tried to forget. The words “Silent Hill,”…
Anim-azing music
Ryan Chartrand When I first heard about “Tribute,” a concert that will feature music from Japanese animation and video games, I was very doubtful. “It’s just going to be three or four disorganized nerds without talent,” I thought to myself.…
Brightening up your smile
Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez Do you judge the attractiveness of others by the color of their teeth? Let's say you're walking around downtown and you encounter a hot girl or guy. How do you feel once they smile at…
What's Italian for 'Deerhoof'?
Mariecar Mendoza Intricate, disparate, sing-song articulate – Deerhoof deserves to be called much more than just the standby “experimental.” The San Francisco art-rock quartet has deftly evolved from ephemeral noise to catchier pop since their 1996 inception, and had seen…