The Da Vinci Code

I entered “The Da Vinci Code” expecting the most over-hyped film of the year. After seeing it, however, I realized I’d just seen one of the most over-criticized films of the year. Whether you’re a Christian or an Atheist, open- or closed-minded, “The Da Vinci Code” will please everyone.

'Dart-off' to Frog & Peach for prizes

graphic by louise dolby Most weekends, throwing sharp metal objects while you’re at the bar is a sure-fire way to get tossed out the front door. This weekend, it could win you a free dinner, some headphones or even a…

Coy Flat

Paul Bittick Silence makes you think Makes you wonder why and how Makes you sell yourself short Makes you build it back up Makes you try harder to piece together Makes you strive to break apart Makes you miss the…

Today's 'Pollen Cast' shows allergies are high

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez Wednesday's forecast includes moderate levels of tree and grass pollen with a low level of weed pollen. But watch out for Thursday, when pollen levels for grass are expected to be high. It turns out…

Students expose art in the name of awareness

ƒ_~wingsƒ_T by louise dolby With the minutes ticking down toward the Friday night event, figuring out all the last-minute details has Louise Dolby a little stressed out. “I’ll feel really good Saturday morning when it’s over,” she said. For the…

Students reveal 'What the Butler Saw'

What do you get when you take a wealthy and bitingly estranged family, mix in some sex, lies and Polaroids, add a humanly impossible amount of binge drinking and throw in some sexy lingerie and a strait jacket? I’ll give you one hint: It’s not the Paris Hilton sex tape .

Garden Street hosts senior project, party

Lauren Zahner What do six indie bands, a garden gnome and a senior project have in common? It’s the KCPR Garden Party. “It’s really a taste of something different,” journalism sophomore Graham Culbertson said. Cal Poly’s radio station, KCPR, will…

How Brian Wilson saved my father

Mariecar Mendoza “I don’t give a goddamn about the Beach Boys!” It was 1963, and the generational gap had never yawned wider. My grandfather, the principal of Lennox High School in Hawthorne, Calif., had suffered a particularly bad day; two…

Professor puts new spin on paranoia

whitney guenther Jesus, Friedrich Nietzsche and Joan of Arc were all super paranoid, but in the best possible sense of the word – at least that is the premise of English professor John Hampsey’s book “Paranoia and Contentment: A Personal…

Billbored for the week of 5/15

TAKE a trip and “Discover Tahiti” in oil paintings on display through May at 778 Higuera St., Suite B. Hours vary depending on the days, but doors open daily at 11 a.m. and stay open until at least 5 p.m.…

'Freak-out' artist reads thoughts, fries minds

Christina Casci Bending spoons and glass without touching them and knowing exactly what playing card an audience member is thinking of. These are all aspects of Christopher Carter’s show – and that’s just the beginning. “I freak people out with…