Paul Bittick This weekend you are invited to a magical land where bands are playing for your entertainment, the ocean breeze fills every breath, the sun soaks into your pores and beer flows like wine. Lots and lots of beer.…
Music group fundraises for tour
Christina Casci Budapest, Prague, Austria and Germany. These are all places that the Polyphonics choir and the wind ensemble will visit this summer on tour. However, with a tight budget, the group is trying to raise last minute funds to…
Ship sinks, so does movie
Ryan Chartrand It’s a good thing Greek gods don’t interfere with humanity anymore or else everyone involved in the production of “Poseidon” would have found themselves impaled by a trident and their homes buried in the sea. “Poseidon” tells the…
RSVP XI: Pulse! updates musical sound
Singing lifeguards, Beethoven, monks and an Irish dancer all on one stage. It’s not the latest Halloween revue at your local theme park. It’s not a play. It’s not a concert. So what is it then? RSVP XI: Pulse! is…
Annual West Coast Kustom's Car Show rolls into Paso
Justin Fivella Slick back your hair, roll some Camel unfiltereds up in your sleeve and get ready to step back in time to a bygone era of 25-cent gas, powerful muscle cars and sock-hops at the 25th annual West Coast…
Facebook, MySpace: rivals to suck in students
They are in the library, in the classroom and in your room. They suck up your free time and distract you from homework and students just can’t get enough. They are social networking Web sites such as MySpace and facebook.…
Suntanning 101:Aÿ What you should know before heading to the beach
Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez So, it’s that time of year again when the sun in shinning brightly, your class load lightens up and suntanning becomes an extracurricular activity practiced as often as possible. But be careful, tanning in an…
'God Only Knows' what's possible
Mariecar Mendoza Editors Note: In the first part of this story, Stacey Anderson convinced her father to donate to Brian Wilson’s Hurricane Relief Challenge and talk to his favorite musician. In part two, after weeks of hopefulness and an angry…
The Beach Boy sheds some light
The Art Beat: How was your experience with the Katrina Donation Challenge? You raised over $210,000 for charity and you made hundreds of personal thank-you calls. Brian Wilson: It was a wonderful experience for me. It was filled with love.…
'Da Vinci Code' cracks the movie dryspell
Ryan Chartrand I entered “The Da Vinci Code” expecting the most over-hyped film of the year. After seeing it, however, I realized I’d just seen one of the most over-criticized films of the year. Whether you’re a Christian or an…