SLO's local coffee shops hit the spot

Looking for something with a little more spice than the neighborhood Starbucks? The streets of San Luis Obispo are home to an eclectic hodgepodge of friendly street-side caf‚s and the occasional exotic coffee cavern.

Whether it’s for an early morning coffee fix or a late-night study fest, these five local cafes are sure to please even the pickiest java aficionados.

Mullets still out; rest of '80s back in

You can feel it on your back and wrapping itself around your ankle. You don’t know how it got here, but now you see it everywhere. Yes, ’80s fashion is back and bigger (and less neon) than ever!

Get ready to show off your legs because flare is out and skinny is in.

Men's fashion don'ts are dos this fall

The fall season is right over the horizon and for many Cal Poly students, it is an opportunity to make a new impression on new peers.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, we constantly find some way to reinvigorate the way we want to be perceived. This could include the purchase of a sick new ride, a funky hairstyle, a tattoo, a piercing, or for those that stress the importance of attire, a standout, even outlandish, getup.

How to turn your empty room into cozy quarters

Finally, I had found it. After months of relentless searching, budgeting, and worrying, I signed the lease on my apartment for the next year. The 800-square-foot townhouse was not that spectacular, but, after weeks of fearing the rejection of my application, the apartment may have well been the Taj Mahal.

Take a walk into relaxation at arboretum

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Relax. Breathe. Now open. Feel better?

You are invited to escape to an enchanting land, where the flowers are endless and views are breathtaking, right on the Cal Poly campus. Where is this magical place, you ask? The Leaning Pine Arboretum located in building 48 on Via Carta Road at the north end of campus.

New quarter brings new performances

Dancers and actors will have a chance to come together once again as the Cal Poly theater and dance department gets ready for another school year filled with comedy, pirouettes and performances.

Founded in 1969 by Dr. Moon Ja Miss Suhr, Cal Poly’s dance company, Orchesis, will be holding auditions this week for the 2006-07 company.

New encourages legal music sharing

Music listeners have been trading favorite songs and albums since before the vinyl record, but with the growing popularity of downloading and online CD stores, the communication between music fans has been lost. is trying to change that.

As the newest addition to the Internet music community, the CD-trading Web site encourages communication between users and is completely legal, cheap and easy to use.

10 things everyone must do before college graduation

Watch a movie at the Sunset Drive-In.

Not many are fortunate enough to grow up in a place where there is still a drive-in movie theater. Here in San Luis Obispo the Sunset Drive -In, located at 255 Elks Lane, offers two movies nightly for a small fee of $6.

Mustang Daily picks 10 best movies to watch in college

It’s 10 p.m. You and your friends have decided to forgo the frat scene tonight, but everyone’s too young to go to the bars. What is a poor college freshman to do?

It’s times like these, when you’re on the verge of late-night boredom and suffering from chronic homework procrastination, that places like Blockbuster and Hollywood Video start calling your name.

Not legal? No worries! SLO has many underage options

San Luis Obispo is full of bars, night clubs and venues with a barrage of local, live entertainment, but sorry kid-o; unless you’re of legal age, you won’t be able to take advantage of any of these fine establishments.

Save a modicum of 18 and over live music performances, the downtown scene is still many years out of your reach, freshmen.

Preface allows students and community to read together

College students and members of the community had a chance to be on the same page this summer.

Preface: The Cal Poly Shared Reading Program welcomes all of San Luis Obispo County to join the campus in the unifying experience of reading this year’s selection.