New exhibit hopes to stir a powerful 'Reaction'

Brace yourselves for a whole new kind of art show coming to Cal Poly.

“Emergent Reaction,” a digital media art exhibition, opens Friday in the University Art Gallery. All exhibits in the show were created using computer technology.

“It’s definitely a show where you’ll really be stretched to believe that it’s art,” said Paradise Osorio, an art and design senior.

A capella group Take it SLO to compete for the first time

Cal Poly’s a capella group, Take It SLO, will be competing this Saturday in the International Championship of Collegiate A Capella Quarterfinals at UC Santa Barbara.

This will be the first time the group has competed since it began five years ago. They are expecting some tough competition from schools like USC, UCLA and UCSD.

American legend Twain comes to Cal Poly

Although he is 171 years old, Mark Twain will be coming to the Cal Poly Performing Arts Center Saturday night. No need to thank cryogenics, cloning or any other modern medical marvel, as the literary giant will appear in the form of actor Hal Holbrook.

Holbrook, who is 100 years the junior of the late Samuel Clemens, will resurrect the great American author in what has widely been described as a legendary stage performance.

'The Sweet Escape' not so sweet

You have to hand it to her: Gwen Stefani has balls (metaphorically speaking, of course). With the release of her new album “The Sweet Escape,” Stefani definitely pushes the limits of normalcy. But fans of her previous and first solo album, 2004’s “Love. Angel.

'Glass Castle' exposes another side to the iconic American Dream

“The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, follows a midwestern family through their journeys and travels across the United States during the years their children are growing up. The novel, a memoir, progresses through a series of anecdotes that tell the story of the author’s youth.

UU Epicenter displays new photo exhibit of 'Epic' proportions

“Epic,” a new photography exhibit of outdoor images taken by a Cal Poly rock climber, opened Friday in the Associated Students Inc. Epicenter Art Gallery.

The display features a variety of spectacular landscapes from all over California. From vibrant neon sunsets in Mammoth to a snow covered landscape at Mt.

DJ Culture: Papa's Got A Brand New Bag

Ice cubes tinkle inside half-consumed cocktail glasses; cigarette smoke drifts languidly throughout the spacious nightclub. The well dressed men and women talk, smoke, drink and wait – in anticipation. The mingled conversation travels through the room with an undertone like an electric current.

Heavy metal rocks the 'Citay' of SLO

Sunday night marked the second local show I’ve been to this year, and already the bar has been set very high. The F-ing Champs and Citay played along with Freedom at the Steynberg Gallery. Just like Indian Jewelry, the concert drew a good turnout, as well as delivering beyond expectations.

Timberlake movie a 'Dog'

Cassie Gaeto

mustang daily

Five men in wifebeaters sit around a comfortable, smoke-filled living room passing a bong, watching three girls in jean skirts dance to rap, and dropping hard-hitting lines like “I’m so high, I can’t even see right now.” That basically sums up the extent of street behavior captured in director Nick Cassavetes latest movie “Alpha Dog.

Beethoven to grace stage at Cal Poly benefit recital

Pianist W. Terrence Spiller, professor and chair of Cal Poly’s music department, will give a benefit recital on Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Spanos Theatre at Cal Poly.

The piano recital, including works from composers like Beethoven, Schumann, Ravel and Bart¢k, is an annual event in which proceeds go to the music department and a scholarship fund.

Hollywood gold: Mustang Daily picks for 2007 Golden Globe winners

The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards will take center stage Monday, Jan. 15 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The Golden Globes have traditionally been not only a tune-up for the Academy Awards, but a forum for other mediums to shine other than just film.

Unlike the Oscars in February, the Golden Globes provides winners from television and film, featuring the often mutually exclusive categories of drama and comedy/musical.