Poly statistics class wants to 'hold your hand'

Who said statistics had to be boring? Four Cal Poly students took a creative approach to their Statistics 217 final by playing the “hold my hand” game in downtown San Luis Obispo last quarter.

The class was assigned to come up with a question and statistically find an answer.

Sorry girls – 'He's Just Not That Into You'

Girls are stupid. It’s true. We wait for phone calls that never happen, overlook the obvious, and spend countless hours with guys who don’t…

Invasion of the lesser Idols – an American tradition

As you may know, either firsthand or from its ubiquitous audition clips, “American Idol” has begun its annual plunder of the hearts…

'Crutchmaster' cuts loose on Cal Poly stage

Everyone has seen ballet dancers, break dancers, dancing on tabletops, even “Dances

To go or not to go? That is the question

So everybody is talking about this Coachella thing. You know…that festival in the desert where one of your favorite bands is playing. I’m positive that one of…

It's my wine in a box!

Step one: Poke a hole in the box. Step two: Pull the spout from the box. Step three: Now you drink from the box, and that’s the way you do it.

San Luis Obispo Symphony concert stirs the heartstrings

A Saturday night perfomance at the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center held a delightful mix of classical music, cheerful concertgoers and a very special guest.

Diversity, rhythm dazzle in 'Dancing on the Edge'

The lights dim over the packed, opening night crowd. As the curtain lifts to reveal

Cal Poly's Orchesis 'Dances on the Edge' this quarter

Among the pictures of daring physical feats, fliers from past performances, ballet

International Slow Food Movement to visit SLO this weekend

We live in the midst of a fast food phenomenon – McDonald’s can be found on every block and in the most obscure corners of the world…

Cal Poly offers artisan cheese making courses, workshops

Great cheese comes from happy cows, and happy cows come from California – or so they say about real California cheese…