Business as Usual: April 15 is the new July 4

I’ve always half-heartedly joked that when I make my first million, I’m going to stow it away on the Cayman Islands. The joke of course being that I’m a journalism major and won’t be making my first million anytime soon.

America emerging as world leader

The fact that there is no real news after President Obama’s trip through Europe, Turkey and Iraq is itself worthy of discussion. After former President Bush’s speeches, there always seemed to be immediate media fallout.

Destruction of America comes from the inside

Abraham Lincoln once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” The loss of our freedoms is the real threat to the American way of life.

Obama voters: 21st century cavemen

I realize that you probably dislike thinking of yourselves as primitive beasts wedded to uncivilized methods and goals. In fact, you probably have quite the opposite conception of self.