In response to Dan Mrohs’ “Give Imus a break,” (April 12), I can’t see how anyone could defend Imus’ remarks calling the Rutger’s women’s basketball team “nappy-headed hos” as entertainment.
Futhermore, I feel that only another person in a social position of power and privledge could say that it was “probably pretty funny at the time?” What time? Two hundred years ago? No, it’s never been funny for someone in a position of power to degrade a minority.
Is our media spending too much attention on this story? Perhaps. But, I still don’t believe that people should say stupid things so that The New York Times can have a “provocative” front page, as Mrohs states.
I think it would have been far more interesting and persuasive if Mrohs could have linked what Imus had said with President Bush. Something like, Bush had Imus say those remarks so that the media would divert attention from the failed war in Iraq. Now that’s a juicy bite.
Gabriel Kaprielian
Architecture senior