Maria Zelada
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The survivor of the reported sexual assault that took place at a Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKE) fraternity-affiliated house spoke with the San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Office on Sunday.
The Sheriff’s Office was notified of the assault by the San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD) on Sunday afternoon, Sheriff’s Office spokesman Tony Cipolla said.
“We met with the victim at the San Luis Obispo Police Department on Sunday, and as a result we now have an active investigation into that incident,” Cipolla said.
The incident reportedly took place Friday evening at a Halloween party. Several officers from local law enforcement agencies responded to noise complaints at the party and shut it down. The next day, a Cal Poly housing employee informed the University Police Department of the sexual assault.
In a university-wide email, it was reported the woman may have been given drugs without her knowledge, rendering her unconscious. When she awoke, a man identified as Jake was engaging in sexual activity with her without her consent, the email said.
So far, there are no suspects, Cipolla said.
“It is an active investigation, so we are interviewing all those that were involved, all those that may have witnessed the incident,” he said. “All the normal procedures that we would take in an investigation.”
No other information has been released to the public, as the investigation is still in the preliminary stages, Cipolla said.
The university is also conducting an investigation into the incident, according to a Cal Poly statement.