This letter is in response to the article “First Impression of College: Not so impressive” by freshman Stephanie Pace. Stephanie, after reading you moan and complain about your classroom conditions, I felt you needed a lesson in reality. In your entire three weeks here at Cal Poly you think you know something. Well, guess what? You don’t. You strike me as the girl who grew up on a throne and watched movies of beautiful college campuses that don’t actually exist. Well, I have news for you. Public universities operate on government funding, donations, and tuition. What you actually pay is only a fraction of what it costs for you to go to school here. Second, you complain about the noise of construction. Construction is noisy, and there is nothing that can be done about it. They don’t make silencers for saws and cranes. Also, have you thought about what is being built? A new building with new classrooms, which is what you want, right? But you want it to magically appear out of nowhere. Why don’t you look around you and the beautiful area that is San Luis Obispo and be thankful that you are here. So next time you write an ignorant letter to the paper that insults my school, make sure you know what you are talking about.