PREFACE and San Luis Obispo County Reads 2007 will be presenting Caring for the Elderly & Generational Differences in the Fisher Science building today at 6:30 p.m.
This event will be discussing issues within the PREFACE book “All Over Creation” by Ruth Ozeki. The intense characters, along with the stimulating storylines, should promote general discussion at this event.
“We will be bringing in a therapist, an expert in Alzheimer’s and a expert in psychology,” said Patricia Ponce, the coordinator for PREFACE, a program that selects a book for Week of Welcome and promotes it throughout the county as well.
One of the main issues in the book focuses on the main character’s struggle with how to care for her parents at a time when they most need it. The discussion will cover what kind of support caregivers need and the topic of generational differences.
Another PREFACE event will take place downtown on Oct. 6 at the San Luis Obispo Library Community Room, where a documentary called “Halving the Bones” by Ozeki will be shown.
“The film is half non-fiction and half fiction; the viewer can decipher between the two by the end of the film,” Ponce said.
The film is about Ozeki’s life as a half-Japanese filmmaker who has inherited her grandmother’s bones to be given to Ozeki’s estranged mother. Traditionally, the bodies of the deceased are burned, but the bones are preserved and given to family members. Ozeki’s film provides insight on culture and myths within one’s own family.
After the film, there will be a discussion for all in attendance. The film can also be seen during ASI’s Fall Free Flicks later this November. Ozeki will be coming to campus Oct. 10.