It’s not every day President Obama has to pick up the slack for his liberal media accomplices, but last week, he realized they had gone too far. Under the pressure of the ever-so-powerful social media revolution that helped get him elected, Obama was forced to do some serious damage control.
Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen started a media firestorm (on all digital platforms) after she crudely commented that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.” In fact, only hours after the comment was made, the number of Tweets about Mitt Romney’s wife exceeded the number of Tweets about Justin Bieber — Bieber has close to 20 million followers.
Rosen’s snide comment provoked Ann to create her own Twitter account and respond in her very first Tweet: “I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work.”
Sorry, Rosen. You don’t mess with stay-at-home moms — even they use Twitter these days. And we can’t forget that most of Obama’s supporters are women.
Currently, approximately 23 percent of American families have a stay-at-home mom. Coming from a family with five siblings, I feel very fortunate my mom was able to stay at home to raise our family. I would never discredit the work she has done in her 28-plus years of motherhood. It’s a tough line of work that comes with no raise incentives.
And to discredit someone’s understanding of the economy for this reason is nonsense. Who usually buys the groceries in any family? Who typically takes care of the bills? Stay-at-home moms probably know more about the economy than most men do.
Obviously, stay-at-home motherhood is a vocation, which means that it isn’t for everyone. But what ever happened to the freedom of choice and the concept of mutual understanding? Should not the dignity of women be respected, regardless of the vocation they choose?
Apparently, Bill Maher doesn’t think so. Maher found it necessary to expand upon Rosen’s words, arguing: “What she meant to say, I think, was that Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house to work.”
Realizing his political allies could be harming his re-election chances, Obama decided to take some time to defend mothers across America and distance himself from these comments, but not before the damage was done. The liberal media machine had once again exposed itself as one of the most prejudicial, discriminatory and anti-choice forces in our society today.
Women who choose the traditional family lifestyle never seem to get any respect from the mainstream media. Normalcy simply isn’t “cool” anymore, and women who choose this lifestyle are judged for submitting to an “unfulfilling” vocation.
This social transformation has developed ever since the emergence of modern, second-wave feminism. Feminist Gloria Steinem once called Kay Bailey Hutchinson a “female impersonator” and called Sarah Palin “the wrong kind of woman.” This decades-old kind of petty ridicule and discrimination is rooted in hatred (possibly even jealousy), and it ultimately harms the dignity of women in the world.
Modern feminists seem to associate the advancement of women with the disintegration of traditional family values, when this could not be further from the truth. I’m not a woman, but it seems to me that the fulfillment of one’s goals would equate to advancement, regardless of gender. If a woman wants to stay at home and raise a family, she should be allowed to do so without receiving ridicule from her so-called allies.
Feminists reject this traditional lifestyle as a threat to their own political power, and extend this rejection to all conservative women who hold traditional values.
Whether you love her or hate her, Palin seemed to fulfill the expectations of traditionalists and feminists as both a mother and professional. Yet, she was the constant target of attacks by liberal feminists during the election campaign, and was called a “cunt” and a “dumb twat” by the liberal pundit Maher.
For those who continue to beat down the apologetic Rush Limbaugh for calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” on radio, don’t forget that conservative news journalist Laura Ingraham was called a “right-wing slut” by MSNBC host Ed Schultz. Yet liberals set aside the latter as if it never happened and transformed Fluke into a feminist heroine. And we can’t forget how Keith Olbermann Tweeted that conservative columnist S.E. Cupp was “a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.”
Woah there, buddy.
Clearly, society’s expectation of conservative women is that they have a thick skin. Women on the right are shamefully ignored as if they are not “progressive” enough to engage in modern social or political discussion. And as soon as they receive any public attention, they are slandered and belittled by the mainstream media.
If the left wishes to keep this anti-woman agenda up, the results will be quite visible in the 2012 presidential election. When the hockey moms of America join forces with the soccer moms, no amount of feminist pandering will be enough to save Obama.